Performance analysis

Evaluation of my presentation

Overall, I think that my presentation went pretty well because I managed to prepare myself by creating a detailed PowerPoint document with an included case study that has a comparison between the two different years of the festivals. Personally, I think I have picked the correct topic to talk about because everybody knows the band or has at least heard of them.

Somethings I did well in my presentation was that I didn’t manage to run out of things to say, I also seemed comfortable with looking round the class whilst talking to people stood up in the centre of the room, not in a corner or looking back constantly at my PowerPoint screen. I also think that I got a good engagement from the Class Because they were all silent and intrigued whilst watching me.

Some negatives that didn’t go to plan was that my videos didn’t work because I didn’t include the proper links to YouTube, I kept repeating the word erm quite a bit because I was thinking about what to say and I forgot to ask “does anybody have any questions” at the end of my presentation.

If I had to do another presentation again, I would definitely prepare more and practise reciting the presentation to a small audience like my friends or family.