My Role – Stage Manager

In the final showcase I have been assigned the role of stage manager. It is important that any event has a stage manager because there has to be someone that is in charge of keeping the stage presentable and functional for the event to run smoothly, Before the event takes place, it is my job to make sure that the stage is set up and fully functional which will include lights, health and safety and sound. During the event I will make sure that all the singers have there lyrics brought out to them (if needed) I will also make sure that the key players have the keyboard adjusted either up or down depending if there sitting or standing, I will make sure that guitars and basses are tuned and finally I will make sure that every band has a confident performance. I think that I was selected for this role because I am used to being on stage as I play live quite often and I am quite happy that I got selected for this role.

It is also very important that I take note of all of the risks that could happen on the colleges stage in a live performance and minimise them as much as I can to provide a safe environment for the performers. I could make sure that the stage is safe by:

  • Checking for stripped wires
  • Making sure there are no trip hazards
  • Setting the equipment up correctly
  • Having no objects placed in a high up area
  • Using health and safety certified equipment
  • Using cable runways
  • Providing a spacious area
  • Providing a well lit area
  • Having no liquids or food on stage
  • Having a tidy stage
  • Telling performers to wear ear protection
  • Try to minimise all feedback possible

finally I also need to set up the stage correctly and in a well presented way because if I didn’t set up the instrumentation correctly it could look strange and sound unbalanced, I would also need to make sure that everything’s mixed up or Di’ed correctly so that they all go to the desk and the sound engineer can make the bands sound well mixed for the gig.