Mock Performance and Reflection

How I think the mock performance went

Personally I think that the dress rehearsal went well for us all because it gave us a taster of what the dress rehearsal would feel like and it gave all of the bands a chance to exit and enter the stage properly without the stress of there being an audience of 150 people sat down inform of them. When the dress rehearsal was happening I was always watching the running order of the bands on my phone and taking notes of what certain bands wanted to change on stage, this could be anything such as the keyboard being adjusted up or down, the singer needing lyrics or the guitarist wanting a different tone on there amp. I also had to make sure that every guitar was in tune so nothing sounded bad.

For my band, the mock performance went pretty well but there was a few things that we all made mistakes on, these things are, that we all didn’t have that much communication so we ended some songs early and at the wrong time and finally we noticed that the tempo of the song was slacking and a bit too slow. After coming off the stage we all sat and talked about there problems and how they could be fixed and we hope to have them fixed by tomorrow for the dress rehearsal and final performance.

Overall, I am grateful that we have had the chance to do a mock performance as it gave everyone some insight into the running order and gave more knowledge into how my role will work on the night of the showcase.

How I think the dress rehearsal went

Overall I am very happy with how the dress rehearsal went, this is because there was very minimal mishaps with the performance as a whole and I think that all the bands put on a great show for the 60-80 students that came to watch. Near the end of the performance we had some great crowd interaction because everyone was up singing, clapping and dancing along to the songs. All of the bands also seemed quite confident and also provided some great crowd interaction.

How I think my role went (stage manager)

I think that the dress rehearsal gave me a good chance at getting my job right for the night and I also think that I did a pretty good job, this is because I made sure that all bands arrived backstage on time, I also made sure all instruments were set up correctly and tuned and I also made sure that singers had there lyrics brought out to them when needed. I think that I helped make everything flow smoothly by doing these jobs and I was also ready to fix any errors that happened on stage like certain cables failing or anything else like that that could’ve gone wrong.

how I think the band played

I think that ‘Band name’ played better than the mock performance because by now we made sure that all the songs ended correctly, we also provided a good crowd interaction whilst having very minimal mistakes throughout our songs. I also feel like we had a better band communication through the songs because we all looked at each other before certain cues and I feel like I didn’t make not even that many mistakes compared to practices and the mock performance.