Mock performance and reflection

Positives and negatives on myself for each song:

For the first song I performed which was use somebody went quite well for me, this was because I remembered my part and managed to recover from the drums going out of time. some negative things about the performance of this song was that, my pickup was making a loud pop noise when I was building up and getting louder towards the choruses. this is because I was hitting my string too hard which causes it to bang off of the pick up pole. To prevent this from happening in the future, I could tape over one of the poles to make the noise quieter or even raise my low action of the strings, so it’s moderately high to prevent the noise all together.

For the second song I performed which was get lucky was definitely the worst song for me and for the group as a whole in the set. This is because the tempo was constantly increasing and decreasing, and as a band we forgot to add dynamics to the song. also the ending was not planned and went quite ruff. One positive thing about this song was that I managed to play my part correct and add in bass runs and licks.

The third song which was Valerie went incredibly well compared to the others. this was because, we all remembered our parts and the tempo and structure of the song was played correctly. one negative about myself is that I might have hit one or two wrong notes, but apart from that it was a really good acoustic rendition of the song that we created.

Positives and negatives on the band as a whole:

For the band as a whole, our primary sounding strength is that we are full sounding. i think this is because we have two guitarists and a strong loud drummer. despite these positives we have quite a few negatives that we can critique upon. these are things such as the tempo changing either too fast or too slow. Also as a band we have problems with trying to add dynamics to the songs, this usually happens in breakdowns or verses of songs.

Target for myself:

The main two things to my performance that didn’t go well were my pickup making a loud popping noise and that i didn’t move around as much as i usually do. i can fix the pickup problem by, either hiring my action, playing less aggressive or lowering the height of my pickup. I will have this target completed by the final performance, either by one of these solutions. I don’t think i moved around or danced as much as i usually do because this was our bands first ever live performance, and concentration is key for me. I will also have fixed by the final performance by moving more.

Targets for the band:

The main two targets for the band are, adding dynamics to the song and all keeping in time with each other. As a band we can overcome these targets by practicing more and getting tighter overall. Also individually we can all practice dynamics such as getting louder and quieter when we’re practicing at home.