Long Time mix

Out of all the songs that Im learning to mix on, this has been my favourite, this is because I learnt how to use noise gates and the scissor tools. I have also enjoyed mixing this song because its genre is something that I wouldn’t usually listen to everyday.

As you can see, above I have used the scissor tool to trim some of the regions where just extra background sound was added, doing this definitely helped clear things up in the mixing process. this time round I have definitely made sure to organise and label everything.

In the mixer I have also organised the drums by putting them into a drum bus, this means that I can adjust the master volume to the drums and even add an effect such as a noise gate to the full drum kit (if I wanted to). I have also added EQ to all of the channels to either remove light or low harsh frequencies depending on what the channel is, as well as doing this I have also added noise gates on the drum kit to solo out the individual sounds like the kick or the snare.

Finally to make an end to this mix I have created a fade out outdo so that everything doesn’t suddenly just end. This was defiantly worth doing because I learnt how to use the fade tool