
In project three, i will be learning how to record a bands original piece through a digital audio workstation in a studio like environment, as well as being recorded for the bands original piece that I’m in. This will also involve learning a various range of techniques of setting equipment up for recording such as, Microphone positioning, Microphone choice, Using a mixing desk or sound card, Using software (DAWs), The difference between live recordings and multitrack recordings and The difference between analogue and digital. After the song is recorded I will need to create a mix of the song, to do this I will need to research and learn a wide range of mixing techniques such as, Volume and panning, EQ and frequency ranges of particular instruments, Compression (ratios, threshold, attack and release) and gate, Reverb and Delay and Using plug-ins on the main mix bus. I think that this project will help me out a lot because it will teach me crucial information about recording so that I can even use this in a real life situation or at home.

To start this project I will give myself three targets/areas for improvement that I can work on to include and surpass by the end of this project.

The first target that I will set myself is to include a further extended detail into my research, I will complete this by making more research pages and documenting every little detail into my written work. At the minutes my research is at a good standard but there is always room for improvement.

For my second target, I will make sure to Harvard reference my research, last project I forgot to do this so this project I will create a page just for Harvard referencing so that it has to be done by the end of the project. For example, I could reference things such as the different sources and websites that I have got my information from or even videos on YouTube.

Finally for my third target i will include a higher level of context into this project. will complete this target by researching how the work that I am doing is linked to real life and into the music industry as a whole.