
Hi, my name is Ethan. I started playing guitar around six years ago now! I currently mainly play bass because I play bass in a band called The Flow, we are a covers band from West Yorkshire that originated around 4 years ago now. here is our Facebook! I have also been in other bands such as acoustic duos, and even a metal band. I started playing bass guitar in Lockdown because I was bored and I decided to buy one, fortunately this has benefitted me massively because, I then got the chance to join There Flow. Over the past two years of playing bass, I think my progression has scaled massively. This summer I passed my rock school grade 3 exam with a distinction, I am currently working on grade 5 bass. I also have grade 5 guitar with a merit. By the time I finish college I hope I have grade 8 for both instruments and grade 5 theory. This should make getting into a music university a breeze. I hope I end up with a job in the music industry and that I get into a music uni. I also achieved a level 2 merit for my GCSE B-tech music.

In project one I will learn skills such as, health and safety in a live stage environment, I will also go into further detail with case studies on health and safety, and a case study on a live performance. I will also research into how bands make their logos, and how these logos/posters have become so popular, hopefully I will even make my own logo for the band that I’ll get put into. In project one you also get to evaluate and reflect on how you’re live performances went, this will benefit me because I already come from a live background (playing a few gigs every weekend) and this will give me the chance to see how my stage presentation and playing look. I could also even use this to improve myself in The Flow.

In college, I think i’ll look forward to the producing side of things, this is because I have never produced anything before and this skill would benefit me massively. Overall Im looking forward to this college course, and can’t wait to get stuck in!