Initial Assessment


For my Initial assessment I have chosen to play a bass grade five piece called Tiberius. I have chosen to play this piece because I think that the solo is really difficult and challenging, this also proves that I had to learn the tab for this song and understand the basic concepts of music theory and bass clef. At the time of this video I have already completed my grade five bass and gotten a Distinction, I think I got 19/20 on this piece which is really good. I have also chosen this piece because at the minute I’m doping grade 8 bass but I don’t feel like I’m quite on that level yet so this was the next hardest thing I could do to show off my technical capability.

What was successful?

I think that this recording of the song was quite successful because I Played everything correctly, I made sure to provide a stylistically accurate solo and I also made sure to include plenty of dynamics in the song, as well as keeping in time and playing the correct phrasing of the sheet music. I think that the most successful thing in this piece is my bass solo because it shows that I can play fast paced hammer ons and pull offs whilst ascending and defending, and it also shows that I have a decent understanding of the fretboard because I didn’t stick to one scale all the way through, I also made sure to add loads of expression into this solo.

What wasn’t as successful?

I don’t really think that there weren’t that many unsuccessful things in this performance apart from that I could’ve recorded it through logic instead of my phone camera, I only didn’t do this because I think it would be a hassle trying to learn how to use a video editor to match the audio to the video and in the end it might sounded slightly off, also this would be also hard to do because I was quite short on time to do this. I also should’ve looked a bit more lively but I didn’t feel like I was playing to any sort of audience but when looking back on the video I should’ve made it seem more interesting, this is also hard to do infant of a camera because you feel the pressure more because Im also trying not to mess up any parts.

How could I improve If I did this again?

If I had more time to do this again I would definitely attempt to finish learning a grade eight bass piece that I’m currently learning because it is extremely difficult and would be more challenging, maybe I could even use a better camera rather than my phone camera but overall I’m quite happy with how this initial assessment has turned out.

Smart targets:

Next time when recording I will definitely Improve my audio quality by recording through a DAW, I will do this because it will make my work look more professional and it will give the viewer a better experience when watching and listening.

I will make a good attempt to Achieve grade 8 bass by the end of the year, this is because it will help me with getting into university and it is also another musical qualification that I can add to my CV.

For my final target I will make sure to get better at time keeping