Health and safety

Wires – Wires are a health and safety risk because they could cause a minor injury to anyone on stage that trips over them. this risk can be prevented by using cable sleeves and raceways. By using this equipment, this will present the cables in an organised manor as well as limiting the number of exposed cables too trip over. Also if the cable that was loose on the ground happens to get cut, this means that there will be a chance that someone could get electricuted if they touched it. This would also be prevented by a cable raceway, this is because it would be inside the rubber/ plastic sleeving.

Manual Lifting – Manual lifting is a safety hazard because sometimes, the object that the person is lifting can be too heavy for that person to carry, if the person still tries to carry this heavy object (such as a bass amp) by themselves, this can result in a bad injury such as, a pulled muscle or even a dislocation. overtime if the person is constantly bending down to lift heavy objects, in the long run this can cause the person to have back problems or arthritis. These problems can be easily prevented by carrying heavy objects with you’re legs not you’re back and also getting multiple people to carry big heavy objects with you, like guitar or bass amps.

Fires – Fires are a major health and safety risk because they can cause irreparable damage to instruments, the venue and even people. it is important that some thing are fire proof such as, the venue has a wide fire door so that many people can get out within a certain time, if the building was to go up in flames. it is also important that all the equipment isn’t faulty so they don’t overheat and cause a possible fire. overall fires can be easily prevented from a quick health and safety check on things such as doors, amps, and pyrotechnical equipment.

Noise levels – when attending a live performance, it is crucial to bring some ear plugs so that the noise levels do not impair you’re hearing. this could happen over a long period of time when you’re ears are exposed to a loud noise. you can also Get a condition called tinnitus where you constantly have a ringing noise in you’re ear drum. if the noice reaches over a certain decibel (above 130), this can cause you to experience pain if you don’t wear ear plugs. In a live situation this can easily be prevented by handing out cheap ear plugs to the crowd. or even informing the crowd that thy have to bring some.

Electrical safety – It is crucial that electrical shocks and fires must be prevented on stage, this can be stopped by checking for any exposed wires and testing all the equipment such as amps and desks to make sure they’re not overheating which could cause an electrical fire. This can also be prevented by keeping equipment away from any sort of liquids and making sure everything is clean and tidy. In the worst case scenario of an electrical fire on stage in a venue, it is handy for the venue to have a fire extinguisher to instantly put the fire out and prevent it from growing. Finally it is necessary not to overload extension leads, this is because it might blow the fuse in the extension lead.

Crowd management/public disorder – It’s vital that at any live event the crowd is managed to some extent. this can either be by the venue hiring security, or even installing barriers in-front of the stage to manage the crowd. the main thing about managing the crowd is making sure there are not too many people coming to the event, If this happened, people can end up getting crushed or trampled on.Its also important to have some sort of barriers and security for the performers because they can have people run on stage, throw things at them and even try and set fire to things. All od these matters can easily be prevented by having security.

Heights work – It is important that the staff of a big staged event have had heights training to some extent. this is because big indoor or outdoor stages are usually high up and require the staff to have a basic training of things such as, climbing ladders, not leaving loose objects too high, how to properly fall if a ladder collapses and basic safety requirements such as a hard hat and in some cases even a harness. if the staff do not have heights training at a huge stage event, this could even cause a fatality.

Falling objects/stage collapse – things such as a falling objects can cause fatal injuries upon stage, so it is important that nothing high up is left loose or un tightened. stage collapses most commonly happen outside in windy weather. for example, if their is a big festival with high winds, it should immediately be cancelled because if the stage falls down, equipment is destroyed and people are killed or injured.

Covid – 19 – In a coronavirus spiked area such as a festival, it is important to stop the spread, the spread of covid can usually be easily prevented by hand sanitisation stations around the festival ground, our even stalls that sell face masks.

First aid staff – first aid at a musical event is crucial, this is because when people get injured they would just have to go home or even to the hospital, instead they can be treated by on site first aid staff. Most injuries at festivals are either broken ankles from tripping over or some kind of trampling injury.