Final Song and Evaluation

Overall I think this song went really well and I am looking forward to recording it as a band. We even managed to create an acoustic version of the song with me on guitar as well as Clarke. The reason that we don’t have vocals in the final videos is because our singer was absent when we were recording them but she will have to use these videos to practice with. I also think that we nailed the order of the songs and included a range of dynamics in choruses and quiet bridges.

Personally, I feel like I have created a good bass line using 4ths, 5ths and octaves so this is melodic and interesting to the ear. I have also added quite a bit of variation to the bass line so it is changing all the time. and finally, I feel like I have added a sense of fullness to the band and a strong foundation.

Overall as a band I think we have improved together because we are getting tighter and sounding better than a few months ago. I also think it would be good to promote this song under banned social media accounts when we record and release it.