Final Project Idea

What is the focus of your project and what specific skills and knowledge would you like to showcase through it?

In this project my main focus is to restore the bass guitar as well as creating a short time lapsed YouTube video to go along with this. From doing this project I will get to collaborate with artists, learn new skills an have an instrument that I would use my entire life. At the end of year showcase I will play the YouTube video and learn a challenging bass guitar solo piece to perform at the end of year showcase.

·What type of music do you plan to perform or produce? What are your sources of inspiration and how are you incorporating them into your project?

Recently I have been researching some bass solo artists such as victor Wooten, Marcus miller and Larry graham. I am looking at bassists that have created solo pieces because they are usually extremely difficult and only require me on stage to play.

·How will you collaborate with others to create the final product? What role will each person play in the project and how will you communicate effectively?

In my final project I will collaborate with artists that will paint my bass to make it custom, I can either ask around college or use some artists that I already know of. I will also collaborate with Paul the graphics teacher to help me create the YouTube video and possibly come up with artwork to go on the actual bass.

·What challenges do you anticipate during the project, and how will you overcome them?

In this project I will overcome countless challenges such as, electronics, wood, paint orange peel, cost, budgeting, setup, learning solos … but I will make sure that none of these challenges will stop me from completing this project.

·What specific training or skill development activities do you need to undertake in order to achieve your goals?

To achieve my goals I need to create a 9 week plan of the project, I also need to fit in a practice schedule of the song that I am going to learn.

·What criteria will you use to evaluate the success of your project, and how will you present the results to your audience?

I will present the results my audience by showing them the bass and what it used to look like, I will also play something on it to show its playability and how it will sound.

·How will you use the lessons learned from this project to inform future projects and goals in the music industry?

From this project I will take skills like tome management, practice and preparation with me for future life projects, I think doing this specific project idea is a really good choice for me.