Final project evaluation

I am really glad that I chose this for my final project because now I have something that I can take away with me from it. I hope to continue playing in the acoustic duo alongside the band that I play bass in and just keep expanding the amount of gigs that I get, in my final project I think that I met my goals because I created an acoustic duo from scratch and got a paid gig, in fact near the end of the project we even got a few more bookings for the future! I think that the main strength in this project has been my practical and collaborative skills because I had to learn over 20 songs which isn’t actually the hard part, the hardest part of the project was finding a committed singer that would also learn 20 odd songs and rehearse them with me multiple times a week until everything flowed smoothly. The main thing that I was lacking in this project was my skills to document the rehearsals but the singer was very picky about how she sounded being recorded back and she was also very critical on how her voice sounded after she got ill. I think that my research for this project hasn’t actually been that bad because I didn’t really need to research that many things because it was such a practical project but I think I have developed a lot with my researching because I made sure to Harvard reference my sources unlike other projects which I haven’t. Overall I have loved doing this project and I could definitely see myself having more of a practical career in music because I quite like performing and I could possibly see this project being a stepping stone towards a career in music performance.