Final performance and reflection

How i think the Dress rehearsal went

Overall, I think that the dress rehearsal went quite well for me, This is because as a band we managed to have a clean, smooth run through of the set with minimal mistakes. I think that having this dress rehearsal was a crucial benefit to the band, because there are some people in my band that have never played live to an audience before, This will also give them a realistic perspective of how the final performance will go down. In the dress rehearsal the run through of the set went smoothly, because we managed to not mess up bridge sections or breakdowns. We also managed to have a good band communication and audience interaction, this was because we did things such as, getting the audience to sing and all standing up at the end dancing. Despite the small crowd, having this dress rehearsal on the same day as the actual performance benefited everyone because it was like we all had a free trial of the final performance.

How i think the final performance went

I think the final performance went really well for me, this is because I made minimal mistakes and had good communication with both bands, I played in. We even had the crowd interacting with us in some songs, so they felt like they would be a part of the showcase rather than just sitting down and watching it for an hour. I think that the first band which I played in which was dead wire went pretty well, but they were some mistakes such as endings and people hitting the wrong notes. Despite these few inconveniences, the crowd wouldn’t have noticed as they were having such a good time. Furthermore, I think that the last band that I played in which was called indecisive Went down the best, this is because we all had good stage presentation and we managed to involve the crowd by getting them to clap along to songs and we even got 150 people to stand up dancing at the end as the event sold out. 

Live Aspects of the Final performance

For live aspects of the final performance I think that both bands had good stage positions, this is because we were all evenly spread out and not crammed in one corner And the bands were set up correctly with the singers in the middle, guitarists bassists and keys at the side and the drummers in the middle at the back of the stage, I think the stage positions were good because it is the industry standard so you can’t fault it. Also, for both bands that I played in, I think the song order was perfect this is because in dead wire, our last song was an acoustic cover of Valerie by Amy Winehouse. This made our song order so unique because we were the only band from the showcase that featured an acoustic cover. We chose to put this acoustic cover last in our set list because it would change the mood of the crowd all the way from being thrilled to more chilled out and relaxed. I also think that this acoustic cover will get the audience ready for the last band. Yet again in both bands, because we were all aware of each other and what parts we were going into like choruses or bridges This showed that we had a professional level of communication, we showed this communication either by looking at each other or using hand signals. I think that indecisive had the best audience interaction in the final performance, this is because we got everyone clapping along to the song, dancing along and even singing to our set.

Strengths and weaknesses of my individual performance

The main strength that I showed in my performances, was that I had a great sense of awareness, either to how the crowd was interacting and what my band was playing, and I was even looking at the sound technician at the back from time to time to see if everything was okay down his end. As well as showing this sense of awareness, I was also tapping my feet and moving around just a bit to help keep the audience occupied and entertained. A second strength that I had was that I knew all my parts and didn’t make that many mistakes. For weaknesses my main weakness was that I forgot to include dynamics in the song called get lucky by Daft Punk, I also think that the drummer came into this song way too fast which sped the song up dramatically. These two issues could have been prevented by us practising as a band more often and singling out the minor problems in our set.

Strengths and weaknesses of the group performance

In both bands the main strength that we had was managing to power through the sets with minimal mistakes and have a good, solid crowd interaction. An example of powering through the set was when drummer made a mistake in use somebody by Kings of Leon, the mistake was that he messed up the beat and still managed to continue which is crucial when you are in a live situation. I have classed this as a strength and not a weakness, because it takes skill not to stop and the band members helped the drummer power through the song because they kept playing so that he could come back in on in time. This similar situation also happened with indecisive, with the song called air catcher, In a verse of the song in the heat of the moment the drummer made a small mistake but we all acted like nothing happened which seemed professional to the crowd as they wouldn’t have noticed the mistake. One weakness of the group performance was that sometimes we almost ended up ending the song wrong and some of us might have played our parts out of time or slightly wrong but despite these inconveniences it was a strong solid performance.