Final Performance and Evaluation

How I think the performances went 

Overall, I think that both performances went extremely well on the night. I also feel like everybody put an extreme amount of hard work into their final projects to create an interesting experience for the crowd watching the final showcase because one project wasn’t the same as another. 

The first song that I performed with Clark which was called you really got me by Eddie Van Halen, went extremely well because we all kept in time, included a wide range of dynamics, kept eye contact and communicated effectively and finally we managed to put a good show on for the audience. I also believe that’s our own take on the cover of this song went really well because I changed up the bass line slightly, by adding a few runs so that it sounds less repetitive for the audience. The second song that we performed which was voodoo child by Stevie Ray Vaughan was my favourite because this song allowed me to show off the bass guitars versatility and sound because overall this was a more complex song than the first one that we played. I also managed to change the song up quite a lot by moving around the fret board a lot and adding runs which were all in key. I also think that entering an exiting the stage went smoothly for us all Because it was fast-paced and we all made Sure that we were all in tune before each song. 

And finally for the last song that I played at the end of the showcase with Lannie [which was called try by pink] Went extremely well because this was the last song of the night so the crowd Made sure to have a strong interaction with the band by clapping and singing along, we even made sure to have a fake ending to the song so that the audience think it has ended but at the end this will encourage more people to clap and sing along. For this song I had to use Clarke’s guitar which kept going out of Tune In the dress rehearsal for some odd reason So at the start of the song I had to take some time to make sure that my guitar was in tune, if I hadn’t have done this this could have ruined the entire performance because it would not sound nice at all. Finally I had to make sure to set Clarke’s boost pedal up correctly so that it gave me a bit of gain for the choruses of the song.

How I think presenting my bass went 

I think that presenting my precision bass went pretty well apart from the fact that on the video for the final performance I sounded a bit quiet and that I had to set the microphone up in such a rush. I feel like I gave the audience a clear description of my final project and I even managed to include one of the first photos of the bass guitar up on a projector above me so that everybody could visualise what the bass guitar was at one point. I also said what I did to the guitar without dragging things on and making it boring for people to listen to, I managed to state that I refurbished the body and neck as well as giving it a new paint job and new components. Overall I am really proud of my final project because it has taken me hour’s worth of work to restore this bass that I am probably going to keep for the rest of my life. One thing that didn’t go to plan was that I didn’t start the song first on bass because Clark wasn’t ready to play the guitar part yet because he needed to set his amp up, unfortunately there must have been some misunderstanding because I waited for Clarke to say that he was ready so that I could start the bass vamp Which started the song. In the dress rehearsal we decided that I would start the song so that the audience could hear what my bass guitar sounded like on its own. But apart from that small mistake I quite enjoyed presenting my bass to the audience and showing off my hard work from the past few months.

Strengths and weaknesses of my performances

The main strengths of my performances was that I kept in time and managed to keep good communication with all of my band members throughout every song. I managed to keep in time by practising a lot with every band and listening to everybody especially the drummer when we are playing. I managed to keep it good communication with both bands because I would always look around to make sure that we are all on the same page. The main weaknesses of my performances was that I didn’t set the microphone up correctly to talk to the audience because I am not used to setting microphones up or talking to a tough crowd under pressure. I’m sure both of these skills will come to me in the future just by practising more and throwing myself out there.

Strengths and weaknesses of the groups performances 

The main strengths of the group’s performances Was that all of the songs were tight because we have had plenty of rehearsals and we were all prepared for the main event. We also all managed to enter the stage with no problems and the singers even introduced members and what songs they were going to play next, I would also say that we had a decent crowd interaction because we let the crowd join in and clap Along to more songs. Some weaknesses were that most of us seemed shy because we were under so much pressure because the full crowd was sat down, this made it feel like an extremely formal event. Overall, I am glad to say the groups had more strengths than weaknesses in the end because we have all reflected upon our mistakes up to this point.


Overall I feel like a lot of hard work was put into the final showcase performance and I am glad to have taken part in it and to even include my project with a short speech and to even demonstrate the playability of the bass guitar to the crowd. In the end I am extremely happy that the event went really well.