College Showcase

I quite enjoyed playing the final college showcase because it was like another practice/warmup for our main gig, unfortunately we did have a few mishaps but nothing major, I’m not sure why but the singer was really stressed out about this gig so we only performed three songs, I think this was because she was stressed about all of the songs that we had to learn for the paid gig which was in about a weeks time from now. I also enjoyed watching all of the other performances and I think the event went down pretty good because it was decently busy, the only downside of having so many different acts on at once Is that the sound is always going to need tweaking on the desk depending on what guitars there using and how Loud the singer is, I also couldn’t see much whilst on stage because of the high brightness beam lights but I think this was to help people with stage fright because you couldn’t really see the audience, despite this I really enjoyed it and was glad I showcased my final project there.