Billie Eilish mix

Here is a Billie Eilish song that I have mixed, I have mixed this song without ever listening to the original track so here is my own Aural perception of how this song would sound. Also, this is the first time that I have used logic to mix a song so I have learnt various skills such as, levels, EQ, reverb and the optimal settings that they generally need to be at.

This is an image of the main track that I am mixing, I have colour coordinated everything to be a different colour so that I don’t get mixed up when I’m actually mixing the different instruments. On the left hand side of this screen shot, you can see the different levels of each individual sound. Here I have the vocals loudest because this is the main melody of the song and the drums second loudest because they are quite ambient and Bassey. In this track there is also a record player crackle like sound to add effect and create ambience, I have this turned down the most because it could get annoying if the level is too loud. It is useful to colour coordinate you’re parts in any digital audio workstation so that you don’t get confused and mix them up.

Here is the main overview of the mixer, I have the vocals set the loudest in the mix so you can hear them crystal clear. In this song there is also a slight record static noise but I have this set the lowest in the mix so that it helps create space and ambience to the overall sound. Everything else is set around the middle in between the vocals and record static. In the image above you can also see that I have EQ’d most things for example, I have removed the low end muddiness from the vocals and the high end scratchiness so that they sound crisp and clearer. For the guitar I have scooped the bass frequencies and boosted the mids because this guitar is soloing in the song and this EQ will make it stand out in the mix.

Here is the Eq pattern of the drums. Firstly I have rolled off a tiny bit of the low end because I didn’t want the kick to sound too bass boosted, I have then boosted the middle of the kick and I’ve followed that into the mid range, finally I have boosted the overheads and cut everything at 19k which is where some high pitch loud frequencies can be heard.

Here i have added a space reverb to the drum it as a whole to create depth in the mix, I have made this kit dry in the mix because most other things in the mix are wet such as, vocals and piano. Overall adding this reverb to the drums will help differentiate actually listening to individual instruments in the mix, even for a none music listener.