
I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Context – Good

I feel like I have achieved a good level of contact throughout my work because I have always stuck to the point and always kept on topic and included detail throughout the work I have written.

Research – Good

I also feel like I have achieved a good level of research because I actually spent time researching, health and safety, how to learn the songs and how to be a good stage manager.

Problem solving – Good

I feel like I have put a good level of effort into problem solving into this project because I have managed to solve a wide array of problems that I ran into with either the stage or learning the songs.

Planning and production – Good

I think I have achieved a good level of planning and production because I have planned my role out from doing plenty of research and the event turned out to be really good in the end.

Practical skills – Excellent

I feel like I have achieved an excellent level of practical skills in project one because I had to learn some songs that were quite difficult and I feel like this has improved my practical skills.

Evaluation and reflection – Good

I think I have achieved a good evaluation and reflection because I have applied context and gone into detail about what went good and bad about the project.

Presentation – Good

I feel like they presentation of my project has been quite good because I have presented everything formally with plenty of detail.