At the start of project 2 I set myself some targets I wanted to meet by the end of project 2. These targets were set based on what thought needed to improve on upon receiving my project 1 feedback and marking, I wanted to meet all of these targets at least by the end of this academic year or hopefully before that. These targets were:
Research; When I research something I need to use a more diverse range of sources and also document where i get this information from. I intend to show more of my research on my digital space portfolio and use this newly found information to improve my practical skills and learn other techniques. When I research something I should also find an opposing point of view to ensure my information are accurate. Research helps to reinforce my points and the knowledge I have acquired.
I do not think that I have achieved this target because I believe there can always be more to research and I give up after finding the information I wanted. But I think I could have done more research for my projects.
Planning and production; For this project I could improve my planning by making a checklist or a plan for what I am gonna do though-out these weeks on this project between these three composition.
I think I have achieved this target because in this project me and my band did a lot of planning for the songwriting assignment and planned out what we needed done and when we needed it done by . I could have done this better by documenting it but we just spoke about it instead of showing or writing down what we needed to do.
Practical skills; I would like to learn more chords, scales and some new techniques. For example i would like to learn how to do finger-style guitar playing and incorporate that into my music. I would like to learn all the chords up and down the guitar neck.
I have partially achieved this because I have made an improvement at these targets since I set them for myself but I cannot name all the chords yet so I’ve still got ways to go. I have made a start on learning finger-style guitar but I’m not very good and I make a lot of mistakes so I need to improve on this further.