
^^^ This is how I miced up the guitar for my first song, I used 2 dynamic microphones and a DI box* to record three separate guitar tracks.

^ I used this guitar to record the tracks. I had my guitar plugged into the input slot of the DI box, then i had another wire coming out of the link slot of the DI box and going into the input slot of the fender guitar amp. This gives me the ability to record a DI track and hear the guitar coming through the amp. This allows me to record DI and also through the microphones. For the 2 dynamic microphones I used a Shure SM57* and a MD421*. I placed the MD421 on the left hand side of the guitar amp facing the left outer middle of the cone on the left speaker.

^^ The white cross indicates where the MD421 was directed on the speaker cone ^^

On the right side of the amp on the left speaker i placed the SM57.

^^ The white cross indicates where the SM57 was directed on the speaker cone ^^

Recording with this setup gave me two different sounds because of how the microphones pick up the sound waves so i had the same thing playing in two different sounds and i could pan them left and right to make it sound really nice.