Final Product (Park-Bench Rock)

This song was very fun to play and record and i had an absolutely great time with recording it. Producing it was a completely different feeling because I ran into so many problems and issues about the sound and structure and a bunch of other things. But i had to just forget about what i wanted it to sound like and make it sound good at least so i did my best producing it. I think the song itself is pretty alright though it could be way better, this song could be transferred into a different genre if i re-record the main guitar with a more crunchy distortion instead of the original clean tone it has now. Possibly in the future I might experiment more with this song and create it into a real song that can be with lyrics and a better structure and that could possibly be released and promoted. Although this song had so many issues and problems during this process, i still pushed through and created a decent song that i published to youtube for citizens to see. The artwork I did for this song relates to how i view my life, “don’t let your surroundings dictate the way you live your life or who you want to be”- Lz.
This artwork shows this by having everything around me very low quality and me being high quality just symbolises that i want to be a high quality artist and how the environment around me doesn’t really matter and doesn’t bother me because no matter what happens or where i am, i am always gonna strive to be the best version of my self.

Overall, getting this song from being just a chord progression to how it is now was a fun but complicated process, messing around with tone on logic and adding all the effects to make it sound the way it does now was a pain at times because every time i tried something new it just sounded so different and I knew what i wanted it to sound like at the end destination but i didn’t know what i had to add along the journey so i had to just trial and error the whole sound.