Bitches broken heart – Billie Eilish and Video games mix

We experimented with mixing today and we had two template songs to choose from. I chose “Bitches broken heart” by Billie Eilish.

This is the template^^

We experimented with EQ, Depth, Levels, Frequency and pan.

This is my mixer
This is what it sounds like

In this afternoon session, we experimented mixing more with a different song. This song was ‘video games’.

This is what my mixer looks like so far

The effects I have added to vocal track 1 are:

^Space designer reverb^
^ Channel EQ ^
^ Studio VCA Compressor ^

The effects I have added to vocal track 2 are:

^ Space designer reverb ^
^ Channel EQ ^
^ Studio VCA Compressor ^

Both of the vocal tracks have same effects but the compressors are different because the peak levels on channel one are higher than channel 2 so my ratio is higher in the first one to pull down the volume more. The EQ’s are also a bit different because channel 1 has a deeper tone that I have regulated.

How it sound so far.

Jozef’s Evaluation:
Sounds very good I like the added reverb to the vocals, it makes it sound brighter and gives it so much emotion to the vocals and to the whole song.
Also I like the Panned out the guitars to play on each side.
Could add more effect to guitars like reverb or phaser and Equalise them both to sound more clearer, also could pan out the vocals.