Metal song mix

Today we did mixing on a metal song recorded by some students of Bradford college.

These are the tracks we had.
How my mixer looks
This is my EQ for the kick
This is my EQ for the snare
These are my EQ’s for the overhead drum audio
This is my EQ for the bass
This is my EQ for the guitar

We also added noise gates to the kick drum and the snare to sharpen them and to cut out sounds of the other instruments so they sound nicer.

These are the noise gate controls I put on.
This is what it sounded like before I started mixing it.
This is what my mix of the song sounds like.

In my mix of this song i added a fadeout on the ending to make a softer ending and not instant. I also added EQ on all of the instruments except the vocals because I liked the dirty sounding vocals and I thought it will go well with the song. I added a noise gate to the kick and snare to take out any background noise I did not fancy in the song. I personally think that this song does not sound good but it does sound better than at the start in my opinion.