Welcome to project 2, this project is all about composing songs and learning how to create music. We do this project so that we work on areas of songwriting that we have/haven’t worked on before to evolve our skills as musicians.
In this project, we are composing 3 songs. One electronic composition to experiment making electronic music. One film composition that we make on top of a video of an already produced movie but we put our own little spin on the vibe the music goes for. And finally a song that we write with whatever instruments we want to use, but we tend to use our primary instruments.
We will be doing these on 2 different types of software. The electronic composition is going to be made on Ableton Live 11 which is popularly used to make loops for live performances and also for musical compositions. This software has many features to be used while making a composition that many other daws also have. There are features for this software that can be used to do live performances, for example you can make 8 different loops on 8 different instruments that you can switch between. This can be implemented my using a mouse to click on the loop you want played or you can connect hardware instruments that connect to Ableton and can launch them, like a launchpad. Ableton has specially made some instruments and hardware that can connect to Ableton without issues. some of these things are: An Ableton push, Akai launchers and pads and keyboards, Novation keyboards and pads and launchers, and some of these two companies also make sound desks and mixing desk which are easier to use with Ableton.
Then the film composition is going to be made on Logic Pro X which is popularly used to make fully produced tracks and mix them because Logic provides software instruments, audio effects and recording facilities all in one computer so this is easier to use as a daw in studio.
Upon receiving my feedback for project 1 I am going to set myself some smart targets for project 2.
SMART Targets: practical skills on playing bass
Specific; –
I would like to work on playing the bass because I am not used to using a bass guitar because the strings are way thicker and i need to work on my technique on bass. Learning how to use my alternating fingers on the picking hand.
I can measure this once i feel more comfortable playing and i don’t buzz the notes and let them fully ring out.
Yeah this is achievable because i learnt how to play guitar so it shouldn’t be too hard to learn bass, all I need to do is switch my technique and experiment.
Its realistic because its bass guitar which is an instrument similar to guitar so it’s pretty straightforward to switch between the 2.
I would like to achieve this by next project (project 3) for when we record our songwriting songs and i can play my new and improved bass line into logic.
Target 2 – evaluation skills.
specific; –
i need to work on my work ethic to completing my evaluations for all of my work.
Measurable; –
It’s measured by me and how much work i do on my digital space page to explain what I’ve done in the project or the work completed on the website.
Achievable; –
This is achievable by me committing more time and effort to complete my work on digital space on time and to a very high standard.
Realistic; –
This is realistic because all i need to do is dedicate more of my time to completing my evaluations.
Time-based; –
I would like to improve on this immediately but i also want to improve more and more over time.