Finished product Ableton composition

This is how my finished project looks on Ableton.

This ^^^^ is my track bounced down to an mp3 file.

When I first started this project I found this guitar loop and I really liked it so I knew I had to use it. The other instruments and sounds were all built off around how I felt it would sound the best it could. I wanted the drums to kind of build up over 16 bars to make the main drum beat stand out a little more than it would have if I didn’t build up. I aded in some funny sounds to spice up the song a little bit and make it a bit funnier because we were learning how to sample sounds and/or loops. It was hard to write a bass line for the track because I did not make the guitar loop so I do not know what chords are playing all I knew was that it was in the key of E major. I made 7 different bass lines but I only ended up using 2 because they sounded the best. I could improve it by adding some sort of piano keys or chords and add a lead guitar part on top so its not just playing chords over and over.