Finished Logic Pro X composition

This is my Logic Pro X composition for game, I do not have a screenshot to put here to show what it looks like because my files corrupted and I lost it. In this song I went for a repetitive sound like in most 8 bit game soundtracks, but then the melody changes but some notes are still the same to create a familiar sounding thing and link it to the first bit. By the end the melody completely changes and I did this because I wanted to make it seem like its for a final fight or a certain mission/objective in the game. I did not enjoy making this composition because Logic Pro X is very confusing to me and I did not get used to using it like I did with Ableton but it was fun fooling around with different instruments trying to come up with a melody for a game track. I ended up just scribbling in some random notes and they ended up working well with each other in the melody, then I added chords by finding a note from the start of each bar and using that as the root of the chord. Then for the drums i used the keyboard to play a drum set along side the track and figuring out what sounded best and then drawing it in as accurately as I could. Then when the drums were drawn in, I put on a bit-crusher effect on the drums to change the bit depth from 32 bits to 16 bits to make it sound like it was made a long time ago for an old game.