Band songwriting sessions

First day of writing.

Today we started on writing our song, for the first day writing I believe we got far to say we have never done this before. We had our chord progression aced in the key of E minor and the lead guitar part was being worked on. The drum beat was not the one we wanted to use but we decided that we are going to work on it over these next few weeks to make it better and overall develop the whole song. We need to add a better piano part to fit because it sounded like a suspenseful halloween type piano part. We need to add some lyrics and we also need to think about the bridge and a chorus.

our first chorus

We wrote this chorus but it didn’t switch well between the chorus and the verse. So we were thinking of adding a bridge but we ended up just making a different chorus and adding two chords going from the chorus back into the verse.

when we added vocals/lyrics

This is as far as we have gotten in the songwriting task of this project , the song is almost finished and we just need to work on the timing a bit more and then we will have a fully finished song to play in front of our class before the project comes to an end.

We have wrapped up our songwriting project for this term, we have once again changed the chorus but we did so because it sounded like power chords and we wanted it to to be more colourful and sound brighter. We did this by adding 3rds to our chords which soften up the sound and makes it more Harmonically rhythmic. Now all thats left for us to do is add lyrics and record it. The lyrics are written but the two rappers weren’t there and Kaitlyn is going to add some vocals for a chorus.