
I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.

Self Assessment:

Context – pass

I understood what I needed to do to achieve my goal this project yet i did not manage to get everything done in time because my planning was all over the place and I did not make a clear plan. I should have focused more on everything that was needed to be completed.

Research- merit

I did somewhat extensive research on the keys of my song and the way the chords sound together and I also researched recording techniques and microphones to enhance the feel of my songs even after recording.

Practical Skills and presentation – merit

I successfully wrote, produced and released two original songs, but they were not the best and didn’t quite match up to the standard i wanted them to be. Also i think the band performance went pretty well but i still need to work on my stage presence. I also did some vocals live but i kept on forgetting when i come in and in the dress rehearsal i completely forgot to come in at one part but i did better in the final performance.

Evaluation And Reflection- pass

I have evaluated my work briefly and didn’t go into too much detail because i didn’t know what to say but i identified where i was successful and where i was not.

Overall Grade – pass

Overall I completed my project successfully but I did not do it as good as i had hoped so i need to learn to manage my time properly and do one thing to the best of my ability instead of a few things that aren’t very good