I confirm that the attached assessment is all my own work and does not include any work completed by anyone other than myself and sources have been appropriately referenced.
Self Assessment:
Research- satisfactory
I believe that I deserve a satisfactory grade for my research in this project because I have researched about the stuff I was struggling with and some stuff that I was aware of but did not fully understand.
planning and production – good
I think I have done well in planning my work in project 3, for example when we were recording our song we planned how we were going to do it in the 3 hour time frame we were given. And also I think I did well in my production of the songs we mixed including our original.
Practical Skills and presentation – good
I think my practical skills are constantly developing and my knowledge of my instrument is continuously expanding. My presentation of everything is not that good so i would not give myself a higher grade for this particular part of the subject.
Evaluation And Reflection- satisfactory
My evaluation skills are not that good because I cannot criticize myself without a bias perspective and when I reflect I only look at my mistakes instead of trying to improve the whole thing as a whole.
Overall Grade – satisfactory
I think overall I deserve a satisfactory grade for this project because I have completed my song to a good standard and also completed my evaluations to a satisfactory standard.