1— I have started on making my Ableton live composition. I was not sure what i really wanted to do for this composition, so i went into the pre-made samples page on Ableton to get some inspiration on what i wanted to do. I ended up finding a cool guitar sample that gave me an idea for a song i wanted to create. The sample i picked was a cool {G, B minor, A} chord progression but it had other notes playing between the chord switches which sounded really nice to me. It reminded me of a video i saw a while back about using samples and changing the tone of them by pitching it up or down and speeding it up or slowing it down. so I thought i’d give it a try.
2— I added two different types of bass tones and have put them in two different places so they switch from one to the other later on in the song. I have also come up with a drum line to the song that sounded quite nice.

This is how the drums start off at the beginning of the song.

The beat progresses the same with a small addition of hi-hats.

This is the main drum beat which is going thru most of the song.

This is the bass for the song that played the chord root notes from the sample. There are two different sounding basses playing this ad different points of the song.

This is a Guitar riff sample I found in Ableton and had a cool idea and a vision of where i saw this sample going in a song so i thought i should try my best to re create the thought i had.
^^^^ this is how everything sounds like together at this point in time.

^^^^ This is how my song looks at the moment, I’ve figured out the structure to most of it but i might make some slight changes to it to add more of a verse / chorus / verse / chorus feel to it instead of the current all in through out structure.

^^^ This is the guitar sample i used.

^^^ This is the 1st bass.

^^^ These are the drums.

^^^ This is the 2nd bass.

^^^ This is one guitar part i recorded in. It is me playing palm muted power chords.

^^^ This is another guitar part I recorded in. It is me playing the 4 main notes that are played in the sample. I did this to make the notes more noticeable because they are played really fast in the sample.

^^^ This is another guitar part I recorded in. It is me playing the 3 chords openly. Playing all the notes in these chords.

^^^ This is a piano playing most of the notes that are played in the guitar sample i used. I added this to create a kind of backing part for it to add atmosphere.