Ableton Loop Templates

Here are some loops we made in our Ableton composition sessions. We made these loops to have as templated to help start writing a song and coming up with ideas.

First loop mp3

^^ this loop is the most simple dance music beat. There are 4 kicks, one on the first beat of each bar. 4 open hi-hat, one on the third beat of each bar. And finally 2 snares, one on the first beat of every other bar.

Second loop mp3

^^This loop is the like the first one but adjusted accordingly to make the beat less boring, more bouncy and groovy.

Third loop mp3

^^This loop is a more complex and filled in version of the second loop to make the little spaces between each drum sound filled. This loop on the other hand is 8 bars long not 4 like all the others and i did that to add variations each bar so it doesn’t sound as repetitive but with loops it doesn’t really matter because its a loop so it’s going to be repetitive nevertheless.

Forth loop mp3

^^This is a basic drum and bass loop i made. its got the generic kick and snare pattern as you see above but i’ve added a closed hi-hat on every beat of the loop but messed about with the dynamics so half of them are louder and the other half quieter in alternating positions to create a shaking kind of sound that sounds pretty nice.

fifth loop mp3

^^This loop is an extended version of the forth loop but i have added; some “percussive dirty toms”, some “kick boom low”which sound more lie glass breaking, a “f2” and “Fsharp2” and “percussion 808 claves.

sixth loop mp3

^^This is a trap inspired dance beat with a normal kick pattern, some snares, a bunch of closed hi-hats and one closed hi-hat.