Week 1
This morning we were put in our groups and we had to pick a script and our characters. We choose the longer script and quickly decided on who we were gonna play. We could have been more focused but and we need to work on adding action amd character to the peices. In the afternoon we looked at presentations about dance auditions, like what Is expected, and the rules to prepare us for when we have our dance auditions. I feel like my focus was there but it did get lost at times, like when we were sat down for a long period of time and it’s something that I need to work on more in the future.
This morning we created our own dances for a practice dance audition. In our groups we made up a dance then filmed it. I think we did a really good job to make up a dance in the time we had, we worked really well in a team and I got to show some of my leader ship skills which was fun.
Week 2
Today we worked on developing out scripts , we added characterisation and action to it, I am happy with how it is looking, we are doing it without scripts, but it was hard as we only had the 2 of us so I had to fill In and it was a bit confusing.
This morning we added on to our scene and practiced it all without scripts. We know what we are doing so we are just waiting to perform it. It’s all going well.
Week 3
Today we practiced our scene again and again, we also went round other groups to help them with people not here. My concentration was good, I know exactly what I’m doing and when I need to do it. I feel that my characterisation is improving and my character is coming to life well and I’m happy with how I’ve interpretated it.
Today was a full day. We had the level 3 extended looking around and observing us and asking us questions. I think that this made me concentrate and focus more. We practiced our scene so much that it got a bit boring so I started to mess around for a bit but I managed to bring myself back in to focus. In the afternoon we had dance, I felt like I was more involved then I usually am and I ending up really enjoying it rather than dreading dance. Overall my focus and effort wa stood although I could improve further.

Today was the days of the auditions, first we had the dance, I think that it went okay, I dis feel sick so I couldn’t do a load of jumping up and down, and I has little energy, but I tried the best I could in the circumstances and in proud of my self for carrying on. In the afternoon we had the acting auditions, I started to feel better so I had a lot more energy. I was really nervous and I think that it’s noticeable in my audition, and if I were to do it again I would of added more characterisation to it and not be as nervous. But overall I think that I did well.