Tuesday 2nd January 2024
This morning we were introduced to our project, which is Screen Yorkshire. In groups we discussed and researched different practitioners and their methods. This helped us realise how often those methods are used and how we can use them. I think that we worked well together, we were able to find out some information about the different acting methods, Meisner, Chekhov and Stanislavaski.

Wednesday 3rd January 2023
Today we received our scripts, the scene that my group are doing is peaky blinders season 1 ep 1. We quickly decided who we were going to be and started to perform them straight away by adding no character to them to show how much they will develop as the time goes on. We re read and analysed the script, and added movements and character to them. We worked well together we had good communication and were able to bounce of off each others ideas. The more that we practice the better and more developed it will become which I am looking forward to as the weeks progress.

We wrote down what our characters aims and objectives were and how they all relate to each other. This helped us portray our characters with meaning and purpose rather than just reading from a script.

This morning we watched a variety of videos on emotions and different methods that actors can act with emotions. These videos discussed the methods of emotions that the actors use. Like sense memory, that can help people go back in to a place where they would feel a certain emotion like fear or anger or love, hurt like there characters would. We also did some exercises to engage us and make us feel some emotion. I think that some of the methods worked better than others and we did get confused a bit and lost focus at times but we were able to do some improvisation with different emotions.
Tuesday 9th January 2024

Our focus today was our voices and how as actors we can make our voices different by doing accents. I can’t do any accents so this was quite difficult for me. I felt like that when u finally got the hang of it, the more I tried the more it went and sounded different. If I were to do today again I would focus more on just one accent because I was trying to do loads of different ones and it made me mess around and get frustrated.
Wednesday 10th January 2024
Today we got a visit from screen yorkshire. Were we filmed our scenes with cameras. At first I hated it, I didn’t like the idea of doing it in front of a camera I was anxious as i don’t like seeing myself on camera. I needed to work on my projection and confident i avoided looking at everyone. I also got to work with the camera and I got to move it and zoom in and move it which was really fun. I enjoyed giving some orders and getting to take some charge.

Monday 15th January 2024
Today we practiced our scenes and did some naturalism acting, to test our facial expressions, body language and vocal delivery. We did well at communication which meant that we knew what we were going to do and how we were gonna do. The thing that i need to improve on and something i am going to do is learn my lines because it’s wasting time and the quicker i learn them the more we can block our scenes.
Tuesday 16th January 2024
Today we visited the film studio in the David Hockney building. We got to work with some cameras and look at all of the equipment we’re we will be filming our scenes. I was excited to work with the cameras moving them to get angles, it was interesting, although I do think that my concentration could have been a little better, I found myself losing focus a bit.

Then we practiced our scenes and started choreographing the fight secret that we are going to add in our scene.

Wednesday 17th January 2024
In the morning we had an audition workshop with screen yorkshire. I was very anxious and worried about performing infront of everyone, the whole concept of an audition process made me panic. My only regret was not doing the audition part and doing my scene.Despite this I feel that I was very engaged and listened to what she was saying, which will teach me what to expect if I do any auditions in the future.
Tuesday 30th January 2024
Today was our last day to get everything done so we practiced our fight scene and different camera angles. I think because it was the last day to get everything prepared and we were all nervous was the reason that we got so much done.

Wednesday 31st January 2024
Today was the day of our performance. We started by getting our makeup done and heading to the film studio. Out group filmed last because ares was the longest. To begin with I was anxious and messed up my lines and then couldn’t stop laughing. But we eventually managed to complete everything. If I were to do today again I would do a lot things differently, like being more confident, watching the footage back made me noticed that I had no enthusiasm am that my character looked sad when he wasn’t supposed to. I think this was partly because of my make up I didn’t feel like my character. Over all I think we all worked really well together a sa team and we were able to complete the whole thing.