Toady we found out that we are doing screen work for this project. We were assigned different groups and told what episodes we were going to be doing. I will be doing a episode of friends, which i am very happy to do.
We got given our scripts and then in our groups reassigned each other characters. When i found out that i was doing friends i knew that i immediately wanted to play Monica. She is my favorite character and i knew she would be a good character to play. To get a better understanding of my character i re watched the episode and did some research on her, to help me play her better.
To help me remember my lines i highlighted them.

Today in our groups we worked and discussed the rules of screen work and what we need and should do.

This it the list of the difference of on screen vs on stage. An what we thought the number one rule of screen work was. We said not looking at the camera.

This is a picture of my group writing the list and re watching the episode of friends we are doing, soo we can break it down into scenes and do a story board.

A picture of my group rehearsing our episode.
This week we have read through the script and started to rehearse it with our script. We blocked the scripts into scenes on a storyboard. In groups we discussed things that we needed to do and get.
Today we went to the tv studio and we got to see how everything worked and what it did which was fun. we looked it the booth and saw all the different buttons and switches which controlled the lights and sounds. There were also 3 cameras that got different angles.
Today our group got to film our voice overs which is in our episode. I had one therefore i had to film one it felt awkward at first so i laughed and so i had to redo it. But it gave me some experience and showed me how voice overs are filmed.
Today was the day of filming and it didn’t go to plan. I got there early to get a bit of stage makeup on, then we went over to the film studio where we filmed our episodes. The other friends group went first so we had three people work on the camera and the others it the booth. I was supposed to do sound but instead i was in charge on pressing start and stop for the filming. It was cool to be in the booth and see all the different camera angles and watch the lights change , basically watching it all come together.
When it came to our time to film it was very stressful. There were people forgetting there lines and waiting on each other so it took us a couple of takes just for one scene. When it got to my scene and my entrance it felt weird because one of the main rules in screen work is to not look at he camera so when everyone else was saying their lines i was kind of just stood there awkwardly trying not to look at the camera. Because it took so long to film and for everyone to get there lines when it came to my lines i forgot them because it toke so long we had so many takes i forgot them. We had to film multiple angles and re do loads of scenes. At the end we ended up filming only a bit of what we had initially intended to.
From it i have learned that so much effort from being the scenes goes into the actual final product. It also has given me an idea of what it is like to film and it was stressful and chaotic and i know that it isn’t going to be like that al the time. When i first joined the course i was debating on whether or not i wanted to to screen work on movies and shows, or on stage theatre work. Since this project it has helped me more to decide what i want and i think that its isn’t screen work but theatre. Although i could end up changing my mind if i come back and do it again in level 3.
There are many things that i would of done differently such as making sure that our group did better at communicating with each other, and more practicing our script. Another thing that that i would do differently id going something when everyone else was talking. When everybody else was saying there lines i kind of just stood there awkwardly trying not to look at the camera and waiting to say my next line. I feel it created a awkward atmosphere.

This week me and my group worked on editing our episodes. We downloaded and watched our clips and decided on which ones we were gonna use. We were shown how to use the editing site, called clipchamp. It was cool to watch how to edit and moving and cutting clips and adjusting sound and adding transitions. I admit that i am not very good with technology so i let other members of my group start to edit, whilst i gave my feedback and suggestions.

Today i watched our video back . It was really weird to watch myself back . I had a lot of criticism i gave my self there were so many things i could of done better. For example i could of walked in better because i look weird, i would of found something to do when people are talking instead of talking like a lemon. Over all it made me feel bad about my self and gave me a low self esteem.
We had two sofas a table and a phone in our scene