Last Wednesday we visited the film studio. We got given a tour of the room we saw the greenscreen and shown how to responsibility and safely move the cameras. We were given a health and safely talk which will help us navigate safely in the studio. We were given a tour in the control room, Were we got to see all the different switches and saw the monitors with the different camera angles.

In the back is the room where you can go in and control the lights and the sound and watch it from the cameras.
In the room we then could get an idea of what we were gonna do and how we were gonna do it . In the room there is a couch in the middle of the room were all the cameras were pointed at, which is what we will be using in our scene.

In our groups we put together a plan of the things that we need to do before we start filming. Like working of the different camera angels we want and what props and set we need and we discussed how we were going to make it happen.

This is the storyboard that our group started to work on. We started putting the scripts into different sections/scenes then we wrote them above a diagram of the scene. This was because it will be easier to film if we have them also spread out so people can look at the script if they needed and there will be a less likely chance of somebody messing up or forgetting there lines.

In our groups we rehearsed how we where gonna do the show. We started by setting four chairs out to represent the couch and the chair that is in our scene. We did a run through and kept on practicing on script to see how it looked and to see what roles would be best seen for the other. We pretty much did this for the times that we were practicing and we tried once or twice to do it of script in time for filming but we didn’t have chance to do a run through with our whole group without the script. We had to fill in for people when they weren’t in so we had little time to practice it properly.

This is the list of props and costume that we need . The list of costumes is because when we made this plan it was a week before we were about to film so we came up with ideas that were close to the characters costume but that were easy to access and easy to buy . For the props wee chose these as we felt that they were accesable and were relevant to the episode. We already had a couch in the tv studio thst we used and a we used the other couch as joeys chair. For the cup of fat we just used a normal cup and we had a old looking telephone to use. There wasn’t many props in the episode so it was easy to get access to the ones we needed.
Behind it is a list of the differences between screen and stage acting. Some of them where that in screen acting you have less rehearsal time and you cant break the forth wall unless it is in the script and you can usually improvise. Where as on stage you only get one chance to get it right because you r performing in front of an audience instead of a camera and you can improvise.