How do you feel the project went?
I think that the project overall went well, it was good for it being our first project.
What skills do you feel you have developed throughout the project?
I feel I have developed good team work skills, I worked well in groups aswell as giving loads of creative ideas forward.
What were your key strengths in project 1?
My key strengths in this project was creativity and teamwork.
What were the weaknesses in project 1?
I think the weaknesses in project 1 was sometimes there was a lack of communication and focus during rehearsals.
How effectively did you manage the overall process?
I think I managed the overall process pretty well,although there is room for lots of improvement.
Can you discuss any key research sources which have supported your process?
Google, websites about sustainability.
How effectively did you apply the research?
I effectively applied my research during the production element of the show. The research gave me a better understanding of what the project was about, there fir I could believe in what I’m saying rather that just read facts.
What have you learnt from this project which you will take forward on to the next step of your own personal development?
It’s important remain focused and have confidence in yourself before you do a performance.
What have you learnt about the topic of Devised Theatre?
Devised theatre is more harder, because you don’t have a script to base your performance on there is a lot of making it up by yourself, and you don’t know if it’s gonna be effective fir an audience.
What can you do now that you couldn’t do when you started the course?
I am able to not cry on stage and be more confident as I was at the front for some parts rather than hiding away at the back.
Why is learning this important?
It gives me more confidence for future projects that we do.
If you were to do the project again what would you do differently?
I would not spend so long being distracted by my friends and messing around and focus more on the actual project.
13. How will you effectively apply this within your next project?
I will apply this for my next project, by spending time away from my friends when they distract me from the work or make sure that they are focused to.
Did you enjoy the rehearsal process?
I enjoy some of the rehearsal process like towards the end when I could see that it was coming together. Apart from that it was very stressful and sometimes confusing and overwhelming.
Set yourself 3 targets for Project 2:
- Remain focused
- work on projection
- Work on my self esteem
Set yourself 3 targets for your scrapbook for Project 2:
1.write in it at the end of everyday more research
3. develop my Reflections