Monday 11th September 2023
Today we learned about the project topic which is sustainability. We discussed what sustainability is and in groups created a devised piece using movement and sound. It went well, it was the first time that we worked in a group and we were good at communicating and improvising. Something I would improve on aswell as look to do in the future, is focus and concentration. As it was our first time working together we weren’t focused as much, resulting in loads of giggling and laughter during the short pieces.
Tuesday 12th September 2023
In groups we created a small peice about sustainability. I’m my group we did a demonstration of water pollution and what happens to the animals when water is thrown in to the ocean. We were given a peice of paper which had information and statistics about sustainability, which we included in our performance. We worked really well in a team and were able to create a factual and creative performance on water pollution. Although the peice was good considering we put it together is 20 minutes, there is room for improvement. Like learning and incorporating a vary of practical methods to intrest our audience.
Wednesday 13th September 2023
Today, we worked with dance united, we did a vary of temporary and movement type dances. This kept us engaged and focused as we had to follow different steps and instructions. It also helped in our teamwork and communication, as we had to reliy on each other a lot during lifts. This is good as we are going to be working a lot with each other during the project and the rest of the year. My targets are to remain focus when I’m working with my friend because during the dance we messed up and instead of carrying on we felt awkward and laughed and I Don’t want to do that anymore I want to keep going as it can also distract people in the group and the audience.
Monday 18th September 2023
Today we added to our chair duets from last week, we included different times of fluff movements to it. We decided that our peice was going to be on smoking so we incorporated a cigarette into it. We did well at communicating, because I didn’t have my partner like I did last week so I had to teach her the original chair peice as well as create something new. We also learned more about sustainability such as mining, smoking , phones and fast fashion.
Tuesday 19th September 2023
In the morning we brought in children toys and moved around the room into a spot then recited the worries and our letters to the children of the future. In the afternoon we were given different photos about sustainability and had to create a dance movement based on the image, which we performed in our place from the morning. I think that our group did really well in inputting our ideas and worked well as a team. I am doing well during the dances and I’m getting better at not laughing when I’m feeling awkward, however I need to improve on not laughing when things so wrong. I also need to work on my projection and facial expressions.
Wednesday 20th September 2023
This morning we worked with dance united again, and we did a literal dance to a poem. The poem was from Greta thunberg and it was about how no change is made to stop climate change and global warming. We also created a series of sound scraping which we will add in the dance. I was really happy with our groups dance I think that we communicated really well and I was proud of us. I thing that nerves got to the better of us as when it came to perform infront of everyone we kinda froze and forgot everything. I think with more practice I will get the hang of it and I’ll get used to and I will overcome my nerves
Monday 25th September 2023
Today we worked on our chair peices. Our original idea was to do smoking, we were really confident and happy with it, but this morning we had to restart our peice with another person,with the theme of driving. As a group it was very chaotic, we all had loads of ideas and all tried to add our input, which created a stressful environment. We were also given a script that had some lines to it. The overall process was a bit frustrating and annoying as we had been doing it originally. Next session I will work harder to try and get it ready in time for when it’s time to perform.
Tuesday 26th September 2023

In the morning we added on to our sound scape of rain at the beginning that led to re arranging the order of how we start. This was quite challenging to begin with as we don’t know how it’s gonna look all together. Aswell as learning the dances I will make sure to give more energy and effort, as I am capable of doing so.
Wednesday 27th September 2023
Todays main focus was dance, we added more to it and taught others. I am understanding the dances a lot more than yesterday I definitely put more energy and effort into it. However there was a huge lack of communication with each other which created a chaotic and overwhelming atmosphere between all of us,this affected us as we are getting closer towards performing. But at the end we managed to come together and perform the dance,this makes me excited to see how it’s all going to look at the end.
Monday 2nd October 2023
Today we created moments to a peice about plastic that will add on to the end of our chair scenes. It worried me slightly as I don’t know If we are going to get it done In time for the performance because we keep adding new stuff in. But we worked well and managed to create some actions that make sense to the statements.

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Today we added another section to our peice, about the negativity and distraction that surrounds social media. I think I worked well in my group we were able to think of something to do pretty quickly and when we put it all together it feels like it is going to be good. We also practiced the dances and decided on what order we were going to put everything together in.

Wednesday 4th October 2023
We did a run through of it all together. It is going well in terms of cues and remembering what order we are doing it in. It did make me feel quite anxious and made me forget my lines, I am really worried about how my chair peice is going to look because at the moment it’s a bit all over the place and we have to keep adjusting with people not being here and I don’t know if it’s going to be ready in time for when we perform. We also need to work on backstage now as everyone was talking.
Tuesday 10th October 2023
All day we rehearsed and rehearsed,we also researched two poems, one about social media and the other about nature which we over laped and be saying them during the phone scene. I was nervous as I am the one who will be saying the poem about mother nature but I think ill be fine because I am going to be reading it from my phone. I am also feeling excited to perform tomorrow I think that we are doing really well and focusing hard.
Wednesday 11th October 2023
Today was the day if the performance. I am really proud of how it turned out, we worked hard as a team and carried on even if we made mistakes. It was good considering it was our first project. However If i were to do the performance again I would work on my projection throughout the show. I feel in the beginning I was so nervous that I spoke quietly or said my lines to fact. And I did get annoyed with myself when I said my line wrong which I think knocked my confidence, but I carries on and didn’t laugh or freak out.