The Bradford Police Museum

The Bradford police museum, is centred in centenary Square in bradford. It is the former bradford city police head quarters between 1874 and 1974. It covers over 125 years of policing. The museum acquires a historic collection of ex police vehicles, which include two cars, and five motorbikes. It was open to the public by Dr Martin Baines in 2014 to show bradfords heritage.
What can you do there?
People can take a victorian crime walking tour, witness victorian court reenactment and explore the cells and courts. Visitors are can stand in the cell that the famous escapoligist Harry Houdini escaped from in the early 20th century. Galleries that display Victorian truncheons uniforms, weapons and a series of crime scenes and photographs that cover 150 years of policing.

Light Cinema
The light cinema was founded in 2007 by Keith Pullinger and John Sullivan, and the first light cinema to open was in New Brighton in 2011. Overall the light cinema company has 13 venues in the uk. The light cinema located in Bradford Broadway opened on Friday 11th May 2018.

The light cinema, Bradford: The cinema contains six state of the art cinema screens, seats and a stocked bar, including sweet treats. The aim of the light cinema is to be exclusive for everyone, by showing movies with subtitles for those hard of hearing.
Other examples of this are, providing a friendly dementia room for those with dementia , by not playing adverts to confuse, them and keeping their lighting slightly brighter. Aswell as baby friendly screenings, where parents can take there babies to the cinema, where they lower the volume and the lights are dimmed to make it easier for the babies and parents.
History of cinemas: The first cinema to paying people was presented by the Lumière brothers in December 1895, in Paris ,France. Cinemas were created for a variety of reasons, including escapism, entertainment, social/economic and cultural issues. And as more people paid to go see movies, the industry around them invested more money to their production. Cinemas have changed the world of art, as it is the only form in which a large range of people can all sit and watch the same thing in one viewing. Cinemas can raise awareness to important issues and inspire change, through depicting historically.
Hocus Pocus

Plot: The movie follows three sisters, (Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy and Sarah Jessica Parker) witches, who are executed for taking the souls of young girls to stay young. 300 years later, on halloween, Max a young teenager who recently moved to Salem, lights the black flame candle and the witches return from hell. So Max, his little sister Dani and Alison have till midnight to stop them from taking over the souls of the young children of Salem.
How the movie came about: Producer David Kirschner used to tell his children a bedtime story about three witches. He originally submitted it to Muppets Magazine, then to Disney as it began to become popular. It also inspired the character of Thackery Binx after his own cat inks.
The movie was filmed in Salem, Massachusetts and Los Angeles, California and was released in North America on July 16, 1993, by Walt Disney Pictures.
The original script of hocus pocus was more darker according to co star Vinessa Shaw (Alison).
“It was more like the Wicked Witch of the West in ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ It had a darker, ‘I’ll get you, my pretty’ quality,”
But when they started filming it became a lot more funnier and lighter, making it a family friendly movie.
Hocus Pocus was originally called Halloween House but changed by Disney. Conspiracies of who the sanderson sisters are based of of three women, Rebecca Towne Nurse, Mary Towne Easty and Sarah Towne Cloyce, sisters who were executed in the salem witch trials. However non of this is proven or stated by any producers or writers on the movie. And the sanderson sisters are the contrast of the Towne sisters, its just rumors from the audience.
Salem Witch Trials (June 1692- May 1693)

The Salem witch trials were a series of legal prosecutions and hearings of women, men and children, accused of practicing witchcraft. This began after a group of young girls from Massachusets claimed that they and several other innocent people were possessed by thr devil. This caused mass hysteria and paranoia everywhere, and over 150 men women and children were accused of worshipping Satan. 19 women were hanged and another 5 died whilst in police custody. The trials were cruel and unjust, and eventually came to an end in May 1693 as people had doubts that the trials were effective at identifying who the witches were.
How is this relevant?Hocus Pocus is loosely based of off the Salem witch trials. With the movie being set in Salem, the sanderson sisters are hanfmged at the beginning of the movie for being witches. And are well known for being witches, as they are talked about in schools history, just like the salem witch trials. Throughout the entirety of the movie the sisters openly worship Satan.