Tuesday 17th October 2023
Today we were given duologs that we will be doing for out auditions. I think that it went well we communicated well and had good projection in our voices, and we were able to practice with out using a script near the end. If we were to do today again I would concentrate on focus as there were moments were when we were to show every one we couldn’t stop laughing which made everyone else start laughing.
Week 1
31st October 2023
Today was the day of our audition. I think that the first audition was really well, I’m happy with how it turned out we gave it a our best shot. However when we were asked to do it again in a different way, it threw me off and I messed up my line, and froze. Apart from that I’m proud of how it turned out. In the afternoon we did dance auditions, it was very energetic and I struggled a bit, but I gave it my best effort. Later we picked some songs for our singing auditions that we will be doing tomorrow morning, I’m feeling really nervous about.
1st November 2023
This morning, we practiced for our singing auditions. When it was time to perform I froze and started crying. I was really disappointed in myself as I was excited to perform but the last minute messed it up. But I did manage to sing a few lines.
2nd November 2023
Today received out roles, I got the role of the mirror. At first I was disappointed as I wanted the role of ollie or the Prince. But I’m getting used to the kinda of used to the idea, reading the script, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it’s gonna look all together.
Week 2
6th November 2023
Today we found out our production roles. I got the role of front of house, I am not looking forward to doing to this as I wanted more of a productive role like painting set and making props. I am feeling quite anxious about it as I’m not sociable person. We also discussed and made notes about what we think thw rules /purpose of pantomime are. This benefited us as we have an idea of what tge pantomime os going to be and what will be included.In the afternoon we sat down and read through the script all together. It was nice to hear how everyone interpretated there characters and I’m excited to see how it’s gonna turn out, it obviously needs a lot of work , but it was only our first time doing it.
Week 3
Tuesday 14th November 2023
Today we worked on some dances, dynamite and time warp. The time warp dance is a fun dance,however we really need to improve on timing and making sure that everyone was in time because either looked chaotic, but I feel as though we will be more confident and better before ewe do the show. The second dance we learned was dynamite, it is very different to time warp, It has a lot more cheography and is a lot faster, which is making me paniced as I am slower when it comes to learning the dances than others, but with the more practice I do the easier I think it will get.

15th November 2023
Again today we worked on some of the dances,accidentally in love and dynamite. Dynamite confused me still I think that I’m getting the hang on it until the music starts then i get overwhelmed and anxious, it goes more faster than I expected. But with more practice I will get the hang of it.
Week 4
Monday 2oth November 2023/Tuesday November 2023
This week we focused on blocking act 1 and doing more dances. We started practicing the queen’s dance to bad by Micheal Jackson. The thing that needs improvement are line leaning and ques, many were still using scripts and it’s getting closer to the show. I fo know my lines it’s just when it comes to performing my mind blanks and I have to rely on others or a script, to stop this I’m gonna kept practicing without a script like I have been doing and trust myself to say something close to my lines instead of freezing. Learning the new dances were fun, I don’t have the total hang of it and I need to stop letting myself get distracted by my friends which takes away from my focus. But I’m excited to see how the rest of if turns out.

Week 5
Tuesday 28th November 2023
Today was quite a difficult day for me as i was ill so I didn’t do as much participation as I would of liked to as I couldn’t speak but I did do some production work and some dances. On the afternoon we did a run through with the evening cast, one thing that we need to work on all together ad a group I’d timing because we are taking way to long to come on and of stage ,therfore meaning that we aren’t getting through the whole act. However I feel that we are getting better and its an improvement from the others.

Wednesday 29th November 2023
Today we were in a different studio and we practiced dances, we finished of Micheal Jackson bad dance and started on the celebration date. Both of the dances are energetic and fast is paste, this was really hard for me as I was still ill, so I was moving a lot my slower than the others and had very little energy, which made me feel disappointed as the dances tag we have learned are in my opinion easier to learn than the other dances, I would of liked to have more energy but I’m excited to see how it’s all going to look on the night.

Week 6

We did a run through, we only got through act one, there is a lot that needs work, like timing and most importantly noise back stage.
Tuesday 5 December 2023
Today we spent the day doing last minute things like painting set and learning our lines because some people still don’t know them, some people practices songs and dances. I think that we were good at supporting each other by helping people with dances and lines. The closer we are getting the more anxious I’m starting to feel, but I know that I’ll be fine with everyone around me.

We also started practicing the final dance of the show to don’t stop believing, which I believe is a nice to end the show, it allows us to enjoy the end and be all together. We still have more to add to it but the beginning is full of energy amd joy wich sets a good atmosphere. I also got to put my imput in some of the moves that were added to the end of the dance.

Week 7
Monday 11th December 2023
Today we tried to do a run through of the whole show with lighting and head mics. However it didn’t go as planned, we need to improve on timing because it’s taking to long to do just act 1 and then we don’t get chance to do act 2. This is definitely making me feel anxious as the show is only in 3 days and we are yet to do a whole run through under a certain time.

Tuesday 12th December 2023
Today we also went through the whole show and went thought some dances adding some new moves to them, I think that I have improved from last week with my projection and dancing. As a group we need to improve on the volume of noise back stage bc everyone is talking and it’s causing a distraction to the audience and people on stage.
Wednesday 13th December 2023
This afternoon, we did a full run through in front of a audience. I wasn’t to nervous as I was only in essamble. I was really happy with how it went, we did it a lot faster than we have before. When things went wrong we were able to improvise and make jokes which made the audience laugh instead of just stand there leaving an awkward tension. We good some good feedback from the audience, some things that we need to work on are projection and most importantly noise back stage, although we weren’t really loud we could still be heard from the audience.

Thursday 14th December 2023
Today is show day, In the morning we did rehersals in the morning we did a full run through, I made a few mistakes and towards the end I made a mistake on stage and couldn’t stop laughing , which was away for my to get all the laughter and nervous energy out of the way for the show. I played the mirror in the afternoon performance, I think that I did the best I could of done and I don’t think I messed any of my lines up. I was really nervous at the beginning but gradually gained confidence during the show. Then we did the evening show, which was amazing, it was the best show that we had done. The children interacting and getting excited felt so amazing and magical. It lifted everyone’s spirits and helped everyone perform with more energy.

Some photos of the show day.