Level 3 Extended -Project 2: Reflections

Week 1 :

Today I found out that we are doing our our peices of dance or acting with a written essay. We can either do it in groups or on my own, I’m working in a duo with my friend Saif. We are planning to do our peice on women empowerment, inspired on the barbie movie. I am less nervous doing it with someone else, but I’m stressed at the dancing part, we have a bit of the duolog written, we just need to work in developing that and the dance.

On Wednesday morning, we had scrapbook work with jess, I didn’t really get much done1,which I need to work on my essay as I don’t know what I’m actually doing with it. In the afternoon we had ambition hub, we worked on a puppet work shop that we are gonna do with child care for next Wednesday, I liked being able to be creative and draw the set and the puppet for my group. The only thing that wasn’t good about the day was, that i was in group with quite loud and expressive people, everyone all had ideas and were talking over each other which makes we very stressed for next week when we do the work shop. On Thursday we had music, because i haven’t done a music class in a few weeks I didn’t know what I was doing, so I just sat in the corner and observed, eventually It got to overwhelming for me so I walked out and went home. Looking back on today I should of stayed to work on my project peice, as we have to change some of the script. My target for myself is to start working on my essay.

Or script so far, I’m not really sure about it yet, i feel that there’s something missing from it and it doesn’t really all peice together yet .

Week 2

On Monday we developed our script and wrote a ending as it isnt really empowering, which is what our performance is on, We rehearsed the dance, i’m still stressing about the dance as i cant dance, so watching our dance in the mirror, i just feel self consciousand silly. Im hoping that it will all be okay on the day and my acting will bw better than my dancing. We got some feedback of off Steph, she liked the idea of women empowerment, but we need to make it clearer and change some of the idea/script, it needs to be more about empowering ourselves. The aim that we have ouselves is to do some research on what a woman is and transwomen amd try an incorporate that in our peice.

I helped make some social media logos for Polly’s performance:

On Wednesday we had an ambition hub workshop, I stayed in the room for a bit but I became overwhelmed and stressed and left early, if I were to change anything about today I probably would of tried to stay a bit longer and interacted more with people instead of leaving.

Week 3

This week we looked at naturalistic and realism acting and did some script work, Monday afternoon we changed the music and the dance of off our peice, so instead of ,what was I made for by Billie Elish we are dancing to the song labour by Paris Paloma. Which at firt i was hesitant to do so, but the song also works with our peice, and now a lot of the dance is more solo work wich I’m stressed about as we only have two weeks till we have to perform it, and weve pretty muched changed the whole thing. But we’ve added to the end of our script which hopefully adds more impowerment to women. On Wednesday Saif informed me that the was going on holiday and won’t be back in rime for the performance, which ment that I might have to do it on my own which I really don’t want to do. I have joined Amber’s group, they’ve given me a couple lines to say, all I have to do now is listen to the song, even though I won’t be singing it , I will know what to do when everyone else is singing. This has given me a huge relief as I thought that I was just gonna fail the project. On Thusday during music I stayed in the back of the classroom and did some scrapbook work. I tend to avoid music but when we come back after Christmas my target is to start attending and joining in with the lessons. And in the afternoon we watched a performance from a performing Arts company which I really enjoyed.

Week 4 :

Monday morning we added changes to our song bc it kept messing up the beats and we didn’t know the timings. Then I left in the afternoon, when I found our my grandad died, so in terms of actual work I didn’t really get much done, I know my lines and I think that we are just going to improvise when it comes to the dancing or try and figure something out on Wednesday. On Wednesday morning we did a warm up session which we haven’t done in a while, so it was hard, but it made us ready for the day. We watched everyone else’s performance and gave them feedback. I really enjoyed this as I haven’t had the chance to watch anyone else’s performances yet, and there all different and really good. We didn’t get to do ours because of absent members and we ran out of time. In our free study time and the afternoon, we put our costumes on and tried to divide a little dance together, so we don’t look awkward just standing there. But it was a bit of a struggle as we only have till next week.

Week 5

On Monday we did our performances. In the morning everyone did a run through of their performances, we helped each other and we worked on being ensemble for Polly’s peice, we hadn’t had time to practice it yet, we did better in the rehersals on the actual show, I think the nerves got to us about our own peices so we made a few mistakes, but did good considering we only practiced a few times that day. Our first performance went well, even though we did have a few mistakes like not really knowing the words of the song and not really interacting with eachother on stage, I enjoyed it. One thing we need to work on is the ending, because we didn’t really know the timings of everything, bit that was the first time we did it. Another thing we needed to improve was the bows at the end as they were a bit all over the place. In our second performance there where also quite a few mistakes such as missing a part of the song and dealing with technical issues. We had some issues with the song at the beginning of the peice, so we stayed still and silent till the music finally started. Even though I could tell that the others were nervous we stayed calm and still and acted in a perfessional manner. Again when the song stopped and made random sounds we kept going and didn’t freak out on stage, which made me really proud of myself and my group. Yes we made mistakes but overall we did a good job, in level 2 or 3, I probably would of had a massive freak out and be disappointed, but this time around I could have a laugh about it with my friends and it not be the end of the world. But also I can now learn from the mistakes that we made and change it for next time I’m doing a show.