Originally I was in a group with Saif, and we were doing a duolog and a contemporary dance for women empowerment. It was all going okay, we had our script and a bit of the new dance done. Then less than 2 weeks before the performance, Saif went on holiday which ment that he wasn’t going to be back in time for our performance. I didn’t know what I was going to do, because I really didn’t want to do a monologue. Then Amber, Izzy and Alex Incited me to there group, which was a huge sigh of relief. There peice is on women in musical theatre and the music is from the musical Sweeny Todd, but the lyrics are just changed to fit the peice. They took some of their lines and gave then to me. It was a little rocky as I was dealing with something in my personal life so I missed about 2 sessions, where we could of rehearsed but I wasn’t in. Although there were quite a few mistakes I think that we did a good job on the night as we hadn’t really done a full run through with all of us, and we had less than 2 weeks to do it. I’m glad that it all worked out, I felt more confidence about this group than when I was doing the duo dance.
The new script were they added me to it: https://bradfordcollegeac-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/10555442_bradfordcollege_ac_uk/EXzFVQkzMD5HiJ2ubOsejiYBvYjkJP7EsOehbAxe9UxT6w
Costume: Originally for my performance with Saif I was going to wear a white dress with a pink cardigan and a bow to look ‘girly’but I’m my new group we are victorian women . The girls found most of their costumes in the prop cubard so I had to go out and buy a long skirt to wear, so I wore a long pink skirt with a white long-sleeved shirt, and Izzy gave me the apron she was going to wear.