For set, our set team painted a village to give the Princesses stories more of flashback feeling, with seeing the old houses. We used the chairs in the ”Revolting Children” dance to keep the classroom easier to put together with the classroom scene being straight after the dance. We used a spare block to tape Cinders talk show sign, Snow white’s nightclub ‘Love Apple’ Sign and Rapunzels ‘Rap1’ cosmetics sign to differentiate between different scenes, and also to show the signs to show a bit of each princesses different personalities. We also painted two panels to put behind Will and Carly’s chairs to make it seem like they are in their bedroom. Finally we had prison bars built for us for Red Riding Hoods scene.
For my costumes, I had to take into consideration the costume changes I have in Act One, so I could change in time to be in stage for my cues. Firstly I had my costume for ‘Revolting Children’ which is a white school shirt with a black shirt, tights and a tie. In ‘Friends on the Other Side” I wore my Evil Queen costume which is a tight fit black and purple sparkly dress which is cut slanted at the bottom. My ‘Helpless’ Costume consists of a black dress and tights to give me a ball room look. Finally, as I am only in dances in Act Two, I’ll just be wearing a black shirt with black leggings, except in ”Surface Pressure” where I will also be wearing a black baseball cap as the background dancers act like security guards.
As the script had a lot of sound affects to add into different scenes so our Head of Sound, Huma went through the script and looked up different sound affects that would fit in with scene and made them into a playlist. She also found a instrumental version for each solo and ensemble number, making sure she got one in the right key for our singers. Usman, our sound and lighting assistant, and Anthony, head of sorting out the head mics and hand held mics had to figure out how to stop the mics from giving feedback when the singers went near them. They managed to fix it for the most part, however sometimes there was still some feedback so to keep this from happening, we made sure all singers stayed away from the speakers the best they could.
For lighting, we had a lot of black outs so Usman made cues for when the lights would go out between the different princesses stories. He also added all the special affects in the princesses stories and in each musical numbers.