Style appearance

I want to get my own style going on as i notice a pattern with some big bands, and purposely dress to give off what energy they are going for, and sometimes to show what there personalities are like. But most of the time they do it to boost there appearance, band image, and to look more serious or professional. The style i want to use is style 2 as its not majorly flashy but shows a rocky and blues theme which is the music i live and breathe. But ill probably for this gig end up using the last picture style as its light, easy to move in, and will suit our bands theme very well which is going to be black and dark red.

Style 1. Didn’t think this one was too bad accept the shoes were a bit off. Wore a white t shirt originally but the black suited our bands theme more and my other clothes more.

Style 2. Same as above but with black shoes. This one is my favourite but the band brought up the fact that i would be very warm on stage and also would look not as good with a guitar strap it all as the jacket will be scrunched up.

Not going to comment further with pictures wearing the jacket as i will 100% not be wearing that on stage as i will be too hot and will look dumb once i have a guitar around me. But below is some pictures of different combinations of pants and shoes.

Style 8: Kinda has that leather jacket look niche kinda thing going on, but this really suits our band style and colours which are black and red. I like this style a lot because i’m not going to be sweating too bad and wont be un comfortable or get in the way of my playing like style 2 and will look good on stage. I forgot to take pictures with shoes on for this style but ill be wearing the black shoes for sure.