P2 Song writing-Band composition

Here as a band we decided to write a out a song using the circle of 5th’s.

As a band we discussed what we liked about our song like how it sounds, but agreeing on that its too short at the time and needs to have drums and a bass line, the also creating a chorus and getting all our individual parts together. This includes me writing some guitar parts for the song.

As a group we discussed that we it needed more practice, more drum parts and that the band needed to be tighter together. Also the vocalist needed more melodies and that i needed to work on my own guitar parts like picking open chords. Nickolas also pointed out that we need to work on structure by practicing the song more as a band.

Error with recording

What went well: The rhythm and tempo was really well held together. And didn’t have any major noticeable mistakes through out the whole performance. The overall sound of the song was nice as well and had a warm but deep energy to it.

What went wrong: 1st my guitar was out of tune which made the chords sound really flat and weak. At the end we cut the song short because we haven’t practiced the structure enough so we played it safe. And there was a lack of lyrics too.

What we could off done better: We should off been practicing more as a band so we can remember the structure better so we didn’t have to cut the song short. And if the singer put a little more effort in making some more lyrics the song would off sounded as repetitive and looped.

What i could off done better: Making sure that my guitar was in tune so when i’m strumming the chords they don’t sound dull and flat. Also possibly using a different guitar as that guitar has a habit of going out of tune easily. Also I should off practiced the song more as my sound just was poor and had no feel to it.

What to improve on: I think as a band we should practice more so we can remember the structure more and get a better flowing rhythm. Also getting more lyrics and a melody for the chorus. Not forgetting that my guitar needs to be in tune!

Band plan: Focusing on the rhythm and practicing the structure more so we can play through out the whole song. Also also need to add guitar parts to it so its not just me strumming chords.

What we did well: This time we did an acoustic version which in my opinion sounded really great and had a big sound which appears to fit the song more. Also the rhythm was a lot better in this performance and had more feel. We then played the full structure this time with even a break down thrown in with some extra structure changes.

What went wrong: This was actually a decent performance but. Better timing and rhythm would off made it sound a lot stronger still and tighter.

What we could off done better: More lyrics would off made the song sound lees loopy and the singer could off used more time to know the melodies. Also practicing a little more would off benefited.

What i could done better: Add more of my intercut guitar parts and interesting guitar parts.

What we did well: Overall tempo, rhythm, structure was good, with different guitar parts, drums, bass line and keys. Which once again changed our sound but an improved sound overall. But the drums improved a lot with only using ring hits, cymbal use and bass kick.

What went wrong: A couple time we almost like lost track when jumping into a sector of the song so more band practice is needed.

What we could off done better: We should off spent more time to getting used to our new parts as it had changed from acoustic to electric and made the rhythm and structure of the song get thrown off slightly.

How to improve for next time: I think just playing more as a band would finish it off.

What i could off done better: I should off spent more time learning that song with an electric as well as an acoustic so if we wanted to switch because we preferred the sound better than the other then it wouldn’t be a problem for me.

What we did well: We had a good sound for the song and we started the intro off very well too. We also kept a tempo for most of the duration of the song with all of our parts beign played well

What we did wrong: A lot of the structure was failing in this performance and lack of communication as there was a problem near the end of the song were the guitarist carried on for longer than should off which confused the rest of the band.

What we could 0f done better: More communication so we don’t get confused on what’s going on in our song and making sure that we each know what going on and how to do our parts.

How to improve for next time: A little more band planning would of been better as at the end of the song it kind of went all side ways as

What i could off done better: I should off played a little louder because it was hard to notice what i was playing at all. Also should off spent more time to know the song better as i was getting confused often on where i was in the song.