P1 Health & Safety


  • Lights – Because of how high lights are setup on stages they become even a possible life risk if they were to fall onto someone. To prevent this you should attach the light with a rope or chain (preferably chain) so if it was to come loose and fall, the cable could stop it from hitting the crowd or a band member.
  • Cables – Cables that run across a stage or just poor cable management is a risk in general, so its quite easy for a band member to trip and fall, so to avoid this you could – Tape the cables completely down to the stage, but even better you could run the cables under the stage and through a door so the cables are out of sight and not a hazard.
  • Stage – When stages are not built properly they have the highest chance of being fatal to people if they fall over. To prevent this you could give the stage engineers enough time to build the stage properly so they don’t have to rush it (most probable cause). Or you could have the stage built from the ground so its actually a part of the floor or have the stage re-enforced.
  • Electrical risks – incase something over heats and sets on fire like an amp, speaker, lights or even a pyrotechnic there needs to be a prevention in place. To do this you can have fire extinguishers in multiple places on the stage. Also to prevent this matter you can check cables are in good condition and test if electronics are working properly ( try see if you can hear any weird noises or arching ) and haven’t came up with any faults. Also having things in place like temp monitors, fuses or even better a breaker.
  • Audiences health – Depending on the weather this could be a serious mater. If the weather is hot and there is always tightly packed crowds then you’re going to have possible problems like dehydration, over heating, people just not enjoying the show as much or even a possibility of fights. And then vice versa if there was cold or just rubbish wether then people are going to have a problem with that as well.
  • Manual handling – Objects like amps, lights, speakers, desks can be too much for one person and can potentially permimently hurt or damage someone. So make sure that the people who are in charge of handling objects are doing it so properly ( with there legs and not their backs ).