P1 Rehearsals & Evaluations

1st song

What went well: In the rehearsal the volume,tone and qualization was pretty alright. I had the correct strumming technique and my chord formations where accurate. I knew when to mute the strings when needed, which of course adds to the song as well.

what went wrong: In the rehearsal i didn’t remember the exact structure of the song so when it came into the 2nd chorus, i started on the wrong chord which had nick correct me so it would keep the flow of the song going. Also i wasn’t barring the chords correctly so they didn’t really ring out that well.

what i could improve on: I noticed that my presentation to the audience was pretty poor and not engeing at all, as i was just looking at the guitar constantly. If i would have practiced more i would have been more confident to stand up and perform to the audience. Also just practicing in general would of been better as i didn’t really know when to the right chord progression for the 2nd chorus.

2nd song

What went well: My over all tempo and rythmn was good, with an overall equalized sound. Also id like to add that when we jumped into the breakdown the chords had a warm and bright sound.

what went wrong: I was rushing to much in the breakdown and the volume of the guitar was a littls low and needed turning up a bit.

What i could improve on: I should practice my bar chords more as sometimes im not applying enough pressure so the strings arnt fretting/ringing out properly, I will also practice the breakdown as i was rushing the chords too often and it doesn’t make the song sound as smooth and dynamic.

Group improvements

Improvements: Bass line needs to be learnt properly so it’s more closer to the original and have more notes to it. Drums need more fills, keyboard could use more phrasing with some improvising. Structure, breakdown and outro needs work.


What went well: The tone for the guitar was pretty accurate to the original song get lucky, with consistent strumming and timing.

What went wrong: Not much went wrong in this performance, but I will add that the keys could use some practice, and when we entered the breakdown the guitarist (me) was rushing with the cords which just made the song not sound as dynamic to what its suppose to be. Oh and also at the begging the guitar started too early after the drum beat so that needs work as well.

What I could improve on: The tone was pretty good but a little more treble and less mids would make it even better, also adding some chorus effect too, as that’s what Nile Rodgers uses in the song (Nile Rodgers plays the guitar in the original song of get lucky). Also adding some different strumming techniques and notes would make the song more interesting as the guitar Is kind of the main part in this song.


What went wrong: Use some body – Well, for use somebody the volume level of the guitar wasn’t loud enough and I didn’t know where to play at the outro part of the song so practice with the band would be an improvement on that.

Get lucky – At the start we was strugging the get the start of the song going, as i wasnt’t starting after the beat of the drummer, and the drummer was struggling to get the grip of the tempo of the song. And i was struggling to get grip the of the outro where i had the strum the chords.

Over all what went well: Compareing what we had at the start i think this was a successful session that developed our bands performance and gave all the songs a bit more character and dynamics. The tone of the guitar was pretty spot on aswell.

What I could improve on: Playing with the band more often would help as i felt like i needed to spend more time with the band specificly as we just wasnt that tight as a sound. But also looking back on previous recording and playing along with then could been some use to me aswell.

What went well: Overall the structure Of all the songs where well put together and also tho tone of the guitars, keys and bass was pretty spot on. With the break down in get lucky beign really good to say that was our 1st performance. Looking at the whole performance we finished all songs from start to finish with really any huge messups.

what went wrong: At the beginning there was quite a bit of noodling and it took us a while to get set up and acctualy start performing, same with getting set up for the song vallerie.. And also the volume level my guitar was slightly too loud also the drums, with the singers voice beign too quiet. Which definetly have the sound a unbalanced.. sound. And when entering the chorus the dymnamic just wasnt that smooth mainly because the drummer lost beat.

What i could improve on: Getting set up quicker on stage, and also getting set up between songs whilst on stage, becuase we were just too slow and it really brings the energy of the performance down. Also the interaction with the audience between songs should be looked at aswell as there just wasnt much said for the crowd to engage on with. The sound was a major improvement to look on with this performance as it just wasnt equalized enough and didnt give the songs as much engergy.