Individual and band rehearsals

What went well: The structure was correct to the song and the timing was decent. The drumming has the correct beat whilst in time and the rhythm guitar was well timed and had good rhythm. The lead guitar was good too with good timing and rhythm. Same with the bass.

What went wrong: My guitar was too quiet. The rhythm guitar at the start didn’t have the correct strumming pattern.

What I could do better next time: Make sure my guitar is loud enough, learn the correct notes to the song. The rhythm guitar strumming pattern at the start needs to be worked on.

What went well: The bands connectivity and rhythm together as a whole Is good and progressing fast. Jumping in and out if the chorus to the breakdowns have Improved with as minimal timing mistakes as last time. And we finished the whole song this time!

What went wrong: I messed up the timing at the start, and also played the wrong notes at the start of the round of the riff. Also my volume was off at one point. Also for the the last brake down with the slow timing was not slow enough and as rhythmic as it should of been.

What I could do better next time: I need to practice more as I know the notes just not strong enough. We need to focus on all the break downs more importantly the very last one. Also the singer could do with being just a bit louder when the heavier chorus comes in.

What went well: The overall playing of the band and timing was very good for a 1st run. The chord voicing for both guitars were good and performed clean. And the solos and end of the song were good too.

what went wrong: I jumped into the 2nd solo a bit late but expected as a 1st time rehearsal. You can’t hear it that clearly but I was messing up the chords sometimes by accidently playing the wrong notes.

what to do better next time: practice the song more for everyone, take time to learn the rest of the song for next rehearsal.

What went well: The verse was very good and almost spot on! Once again the bands timing together was very good and is getting better every session. It’s almost getting to a live performance level now with only few mistakes as we played the whole way through and times the last breakdown a lot better this time.

What went wrong: Main rhythm guitars chord voicing could be better as it was very tight and needed to be more.. elegant. When the solo comes in I was to0 early coming in.

What to better next time: Practice the verse more as I almost got it perfect! Also practice for when the solo comes in as it was to early. The main rhythm guitar needs just some more time with those chords to make them ring proper and true. Also the singers need to practice volume control more as when the song goes loud there keeping the same volume.

What went well:

What went wrong:

What to do better next time:

What went well:

What went wrong:

What to do better next time:

What went well:

What went wrong:

What to do better next time:

What went well:

What went wrong:

What to do better next time: