Rehearsal videos

1st Rehearsal

My hero without drums

What went well: The timing and playing from everyone was very close to the original song for the intro. The timing was really good for the guitar harmonies in the chorus and the rest of the band was on point too.

What went wrong: Made a bend at the intro that wasn’t meant to be at that part. After the intro i wasn’t playing the lead riff correctly. At the end of the build up for the bridge i messed up sliding up to play the pitch bend on the 9 fret for the b and g and then because we didn’t have a drummer for the build up we all mess up playing the bridge part. I kept messing up the harmonie chords for the last chords.

What to do better next time: I need to practice the overall song a lot more as i’ve not practiced the song much in general, most importantly practicing the structure changes and the riff parts more.

What went well: The chorus sounds really clean and well timed together. The whole bridge section sounded a lot better and timed now we had a drummer playing.

What went wrong: kept messing up the intro riff and the also the verse riff throughout the song. And i keep sliding up for the build up section but need to just play the notes instead of sliding up to them as is not how it goes in the song and also messes my timing up for the song.

What to do better next time: Should turn up our instruments more as we were struggling to hear each other in this rehearsal. I also need to revise the tablature for this song more so i have a better understanding of what im playing as i keep forgetting what areas of the fretboard i need to play.

What went well: The intro timing was really good and all the instruments are tight. To say this is our 1st rehersal time of this song everything was really well structured and times between us all and very little mistakes. The vocal melody had good rhythm too.

What went wrong: The vocals need some attention as the singer is struggling to sing the low key of this song. The bass played the chorus bass scale ascend instead of just keep playing the verse bass part. Also I kept playing the c chord in the chorus parts instead of adding the f chord too.

What to do better for next time: I think isobel and jospeh need to work on solo part of song section more as they kept changing to differnt parts of the song as we were rehearsing it. I need to practice the whole song more as I keep forgetting which chords to play. And I think we need to reconside putting the song in a differnt key so lacey sing it within her range.

What went well: The intro was really tight and well played and I say the same for the whole way out of the song with only a few hiccups from me.

What went wrong: I kept missing the notes for the intro riff and messed the little riff that goes back into the chorus. The volumes for the guitars and bass need turning up a bit as you there a bit quiet and don’t have such an impact full sound and you couldn’t hear the bass intro either.

What to do better next time: I need to practice the whole song more, riff parts, the chorus harmonic parts because I keep forgetting which frets I’m suppose to be on.

What went well: The intro was really good for a 1st time rehersal of this song, jospes pulsing bass was good and isobels guitar was attacked with a good sound and similarity to the track. Lacey did a clean performance with a tight relation to what it sounded like on the track.

What went wrong: Lacey said we were on the wrong bit of the song at the start but we intact wasn’t aha. I also did the heavy chords before the chorus 1 more time than I should off and you can’t really hear it but I was playing the chords wrong sometimes.

What to so better next time: We all just need to practice more as we all barely scraped this song together due to some people not learning it! And others having issues with other parts of there projects.

What went well: The overall band timing is well held together and sounds good, we did mess up a lot but this rehearsal went really well. We had good volume dynamics

What went wrong: Im singing in this instead of Lacey because she slept in and didn’t turn up for rehearsal. I think Joseph’s bass is slightly rushed too. I also forgot the structure and didn’t stop playing for the bridge.

What to do better next time: We need to work on the end of the 1st chorus as we all didn’t lower the volume properly and also work on the ending too so were all stopping at the same times. I need to work on stopping for the bridge part of the song and getting the chords right every time as you cant really hear it but i am misplacing my fingers for these chords sometime. Joseph’s bass was slightly rushed but thats because he was learning a new pulsing bass technique for this song so makes sense why its not spot on. We all just need to practice the song more individually more too.

What went well: The intro was pretty much perfect accept the song is slightly sped up, accept that everyone was on point.

What went wrong: The jump into the verse could be timed better but it wasn’t too bad. I also messed up the timing for the start of the bridge.

What to do better next time:

I think as a band we need to work on the timings for the 1st verse of the song and then i need to work on my timing for the intro of the bridge and also work on playing the right frets for the chorus and then the song is very much complete.

What went well: The intro guitar had a good rhythm close to the original, Evan and Jospeh was on it with the timing. And Lacey’s vocal work was really good to and sounded relaxed, smooth and had a decent tone.

What to do better next time: Everyone was doing a great job this rehearsal accept when i completely lost track randomly before the last chorus and just had no idea what i was doing.

What to do better next time: Think we all need to practice as a whole more and individually as it could be a little tighter in my opinion, i also need to practice the structure more as i just completely lost track of where i was in the song at one point.

What went well: Wow the intro was spot on, timing was super tight and i actually was on time with hitting that 1st heavy chord. Isobels guitar riff was a lot cleaner for this song too and sounds much fuller now lacey has learn the chords properly.

What went wrong: For when the 3 verse comes round and Isobel is playing the initial guitar riff Joseph should be coming in around that time but either keeps forgetting or missing it. Lacey needs to work on her chords changes and chord clarity too. And i have a lot of work to do with the last vocal solo of that song and keep breaking my voice in areas too.

What to do better next time: Think everyone needs a little bit of practice and it will almost be perfect. I do need to work on that last vocal solo though.

What went well: Sounds really well put together now and the dynamics going in and out of choruses are smoother and have a good feel to them.

What went wrong:

Not much went wrong with this accept at one point i almost jumped into the chorus 4 bars early but realised it and saved myself.

What to do better next time:

I need to work on my guitar solo more as it just didn’t really have any energy to it and i need to work on my vocals more and try get a more distorted sound. Also i felt like we sped up a bit but not too sure.

What went well:

For our 1st rehearse of this its not too bad but there is work to be done.

What went wrong:

Th vocal structure was just not sung properly for this song at all and my guitar was timed well at all either. And the outro was a shambles.

What to do better next time:

I need to work on my timing and structure for this song as i was confused on where we were in the song. Lacy needs to rehearse the song more and remember the vocal structures properly to and then we as a band need to work on the outro.

What went well:

Loved how the intro went and thought everyone was really on point and was flawless accept we could just it a little more to get it really tight. And the guitar was a lot better this time and had better energy to it.

What went wrong:

Cant really fault how this went accept i entered the outro a bar early.

What to do better next time:

I need to practice the structure more by just practicing the song more.

What went well:

The chorus was really tight and well but together this time and sounds better with my vocals as lacey. Cant cut through as much as me. And our dynamics through out the whole song was a lot better this time too.

What went wrong:

I missed timed the initial ambient notes at the start and need to work on those ambient notes overall as its not so smooth sometimes. Also Isobel’s ascending note guitar slide thing before the solo needs some vibrato and practice.

What to do better next time:

I need to work on my vocals for the chorus more as it just doesnt sound that great tone wise and for the last chorus i need to work on my vocal tone and strength a lot more. We also need to position the camera in the middle of the room like we used to as you can hear Isobel’s guitar a lot more than mine because of the position of the phone mic is on the same side of Isobel’s amp.

What went well: overall its getting really good this song now and there’s no mistakes accept lacey came in at the wrong time at one second.

What went wrong: Sounds to me that jospeh is playing an octave higher, not really sure if it’s exactly that but it’s definitely played lower although it could be because we’re not playing in half step.

What to do better next time: Think just a couple more rehersals would fizzle and issues out and give the song a lot more energy to it.

What went well: The intro went pretty well not obvious mistakes. I played all the bridges a lot better this time and me and Evan we more together than supegluing your fingers together.

What went wrong: We need to make sure jospeh is loud enough as he’s always top quite. I messed up the 1st chorus harmonic chord change riff thing.

What to do better next time: I need to Rehearse this one a but more as I’m always forgetting the right frets to play for the chorus part.

What went well: I thought the intro was really good and had some really good energy to it.

What went wrong: The bridges need sorting out and isobel needs to time her guitar riff that before the start of the outro .

What to do better next time: I need to work on my vocals a lot more at I’m not hitting pitches properly and my voice sounds really weak.

What went well: My ambient guitar parts sound a lot better played and timed in this rehersal, making the intro sound a lot better too. And now lacey has learnt her part for just before the solo it doesn’t sound as empty and crap.

what went wrong: I messed up some of the ambient notes stuff sometimes but overall it sounded really good to me accept my vocals could do some work.

What to do better next time: I need to practice my ambient note parts more and I think if we just rehersed more it would fizzle out just little things and it then it would be pretty great.

What went well: Sounds way better this time, I was really rushing my playing the week before but it seems I’ve sorted that out a lot better accept the start was a bit rushed. But the band were a lot tighter this time too and we acctualy knew the structure too.

What went wrong: I rushed my playing at the intro a little bit and sometimes just didn’t play the note, as in I litterly missed the string.

what to do better next time: I need to rehearse my parts more and work on the vocals more.

I never got little wing in time for the show. Maybe a day more and I would of got it! And this song was the reasoning of the lack of progress videos as each video took 3hrs in total to make so I thought not doing them would buy me enough time, I also stopped rehearsing all the other songs which is why I messed up on the gig although I did have them down properly at one point. I never saw how hard this song would of been but I’ve definitely learnt a lot from the song and from the hard work I put into learning it. Here is a video of how far i got with at which was recorded after the showcase.