Recording plan

1.Song Structure: I need to practice the song more to remember the structure and dynamics, rhythm.

2.Instrument List: Vocals, drums, p bass, HSH Stratocaster

3.Tuning and Maintenance: Ensure that all instruments are properly tuned and in recording condition. 

4.Recording Environment: I’ll be recording in A29 as its has the mixing room and recording room close together so its convenient and the sound quality is most likely going to be the best out of anywhere else because of the the equipment.

5.Session Dates and Times: Tuesday 16th Jan pm and Monday 21st jan A29 with lewis.

6.Recording Order: I’ll start with guitar, drums, bass then vocals

7.Overdubs and Layers: I’ll want harmonies for the guitar and vocals.

8.Communication Plan: Me on guitar and vocals, Cameron & Cody on the drums and Joseph on the bass. Lewis is recording im producing..

9.File Organisation: Develop a system for naming and organising your recording files. This makes it easier to manage and edit the material during the mixing stage. Implement a backup strategy to prevent data loss. Regularly save your project files and consider making backups on external drives or cloud storage.

10.Reference Recordings: love you should come over sound for the verse. No one knows sound for the choruses and heavy parts.

11.Pre-Recording Rehearsals: Schedule rehearsal sessions with the musicians before the recording dates. This ensures that everyone is well-prepared, reducing the number of takes needed during the actual recording.

12.Editing and Mixing:

Plan for the post-production phase, including editing and mixing. Decide whether this will be done in-house or by a separate engineer.

Here is my chord chart for my song that Abi swift helped me made so that my bass player needed so he could learn my song.