P4 Project Evaluation

What have you learnt?: This project I have learnt how to be a leader in a band and make sure things are done correctly, organise my time to learn the parts I need to work on, I’ve also instead of typing my progress out I have instead used video format and used an editor to show all my progress with good detail. On a musical side I’ve developed my vocals to be the lead singer and my tapping technique also learnt how to play and sing with a guitar, and how to set up a guitar, to make it feel and sound the best for me. Also how to set up some stage equipment and learnt somethings about sound checking.

What are your strengths?: My strengths now are working with a band, how to edit videos to show my college work progress. Also my guitar playing has massively improved since the start of my course so I will include that too. Also performing as a whole because I used to be very shy and nervous to perform.

What could you improve?: In the middle of my project I slowed down and lost track of things because I made excuses for things and just fell off track, leading me very stressed at the end of the project and having to work way harder than needed. This effected all the songs just because each of them needed some time on them still which wouldn’t be a problem if I just worked on schedule.

How does this project relate to the industry? Why is it useful and is it a subject you’d like to study further? Did you enjoy it?: Because I chose to perform with a voice, musical instruments, and use multiple instruments (Drums, bass, guitar) to create a song which is then performed live at a musical holding event. This relates massively to the Musical industry because this kind of act has been happening for hundreds of years but only really kicked off in the 1960’s. The project was useful because it taught me how to sing, sing and play guitar at the same time and also how to work and lead a band. It also taught me many things about guitar set up, guitar players, tones, sound, I will definitely be studying this in my own time and even in future projects just because it related the most on what I want to do in my life and future career. I enjoyed the start and end of the project but because i lost track of schedule and work it did become very stressful.