P3 project evaluation

  • What have you learnt: I’ve learnt a lot from P3 like learning about different microphones and that certain mics are used for stages, instruments and studios, also that some have different polar patterns which change how they pick, also how to mix tracks using music software and using a noise gate to clean individual midi tracks. But also more practical skills to do with working with a band and planning out to complete my work.

  • What are your strengths: A new main strength is studio work, like learning how to set microphones and which angles to put them due to how the polar pattern is and what distances to place them from the snares, kicks, cymbals ect. But also developed some practical skills like using my time more to catch up on college work and practicing more to work better as a band and be a musician just in general.

  • What could you improve?: I could possibly trying to try be more practical with my time and use it for digital space work more because next project i am aiming to be on track and caught up more with college work .

  • How does this project relate to industry, why is it useful and is it a subject you’d like to study further? Did you enjoy it?: Personally this part of the college has been the most useful to me in terms of how much music practical knowledge I’ve gained from it and also amount of skills I’ve gained from it as well so yes i have enjoyed it a lot. It relates because to be a successful musician you need to learn how a mixer works, how to set up mics and which ones to use for different applications like drums or a live concert or when to use a condenser microphone or a dynamic microphone.